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Re: Pokemon (was: Harry Potter Lego Line)
Fri, 14 Jul 2000 20:07:31 GMT
2772 times
In lugnet.general, Jeff Thompson writes:
In lugnet.general, Eric Joslin writes:
The reason for different mosters in different version is pretty simple- • you're
supposed to buy one and trade (via the Link Cable) with other players.
So which version is the best to begin with?  (Or for someone
who doesn't know many other Pokemon Gameboy players, so the trading
aspect might not be that important?)  Jeremy, do you have any suggestions?

Start with Mewtwo.  ;-)

You're pretty much limited to your starters.  In Red & Blue, you can choose
from Charmander (fire), Bulbasaur (grass), or Squirtle (water); your in-game
rival picks after you, and gets the one that beats your type.  In Yellow, you
get to choose from Pikachu (electric), or, or, erm...that's it.  (Yellow also
doesn't introduce any Pokemon not in Red or Blue, so I wouldn't recommend it
to anyone.)

If you think you'll be trading with anyone, find out which color they have and
get the other one.  Note that while neither Red or Blue have a complete set of
all 150 Pokemon, getting a full set isn't a requirement for winning the game.

As I understand it, there is at least some RPG
elements involved in the game-boy game, whereas Pokemon Stadium
is purely an arena for you to fight pokemon against each other.

Yep.  The GB version is a more involved game (59 hours on mine and still 2
badges to go...) and standalone, I like it better than the 64 version.  But the
two compliment each other very well.

- jsproat

[f-ups to; I should've done this previously...]

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Pokemon (was: Harry Potter Lego Line)
(...) So which version is the best to begin with? (Or for someone who doesn't know many other Pokemon Gameboy players, so the trading aspect might not be that important?) Jeremy, do you have any suggestions? (...) with (...) I've seen screenshots, (...) (25 years ago, 14-Jul-00, to lugnet.general,

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