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Re: Space Shuttle 8480
Sat, 9 Jan 1999 01:54:51 GMT
895 times
Thanks to all who replied.  I guess I just am going to have to start
combing the boards or look for another set to buy.
I just need more Technic pieces.

That sucks.  Was hoping for a phone special on them (or at least a Zany
Brainy sale, since they've carried them for $90 before).

Anyone know of new large sets (to replace the shuttle and supercar) in the
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  One thing about living in your own world... At least you know

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Space Shuttle 8480
Mark Dittenber wrote in message <>... (...) I've seen them at Zany Brainy. (...) That sucks. Was hoping for a phone special on them (or at least a Zany Brainy sale, since they've carried them for $90 before). Anyone know (...) (26 years ago, 8-Jan-99, to lugnet.general)

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