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Re: Which piece is available in the most colours?
Fri, 10 Mar 2000 20:48:32 GMT
1765 times
In lugnet.general, Mike Poindexter writes:

It is also worth noting that the 1x2 grille tile has undergone an evolution
where the bottom had a slight notch taken out to make them easier to pry up.

Anyone know exactly when this metamorphosis took place?  I thought it was back
around 1995, but I just got a bunch of 1997 sets that do not have the notched
grille tiles.  Some copies of the exact same set *do* have them, however.  It
is very odd...

Jeff, "Thallid Lord"
Save the Whales!  I may get hungry later...
ICQ #66153738

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Which piece is available in the most colours?
Gary Istok <> wrote in message (...) It is also worth noting that the 1x2 grille tile has undergone an evolution where the bottom had a slight notch taken out to make them easier to pry up. Also, (...) (25 years ago, 10-Mar-00, to lugnet.general)

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