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 General / 15402
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Re: Staircases!
Thu, 24 Feb 2000 09:09:50 GMT
799 times
2) How many chromatic variants of the staircase existed?  Again, are
black and dkgrey the only two kinds?

There's a straight black one in #6988 which I'd love to trade from someone
for a red curved staircase!  I have several dark gray straights and also one
curved black one.

3) Related to question one, is there a staircase that curves up to the
left, much as 6497's curves up and to the *right*?

I wish!


Message is in Reply To:
Hi, all- I seem to have "discovered" a piece from my Dark Ages--one that appeared after I submerged and vanished before I surfaced. I knew a variant of it existed in many Belville and Paradisa sets, and appeared in at least one System set (6497 (...) (25 years ago, 23-Feb-00, to lugnet.general)

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