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Re: New Theory on Holey Bags
Mon, 21 Dec 1998 04:10:29 GMT
1345 times
Anders Isaksson wrote in message ...
Bram Lambrecht skrev i meddelandet
Another theory:
The amount of air in holey bags can change, making the bags more flexible
than a bag filled with air, and therefore easier to grab and pull open.

Also, it's much easier to pack a lot of these bags in a larger container, • as
the compress better.

Has anyone noticed that recent no-hole bags in lego sets rip much more
easily than before?


Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: New Theory on Holey Bags
(...) Definitely noticed this, just the other day, with the little Space port rover. I was very annoyed, as I am somewhat picky about saving packaging and of course now the baggie (with the pic of the Rover on it) is ripped.... Going forward I'll (...) (26 years ago, 21-Dec-98, to lugnet.general)
  Re: New Theory on Holey Bags
(...) Yes, unfortunately. I'm guessing the holey bags are being phased out because they cost more to produce. Steve (26 years ago, 21-Dec-98, to lugnet.general)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: New Theory on Holey Bags
Bram Lambrecht skrev i meddelandet <>... (...) Also, it's much easier to pack a lot of these bags in a larger container, as the compress better. -- Anders Isaksson, Sweden BlockCAD: (2 URLs) (26 years ago, 19-Dec-98, to lugnet.general)

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