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 General / 13822
13821  |  13823
Re: buy spare parts
Tue, 18 Jan 2000 19:07:58 GMT
677 times
Keep watching the buy-sell-trade and auction groups for parts sales postings,
or just post there and advertise for what you need.  Most people are willing to
sell and ship internationally, as long as an acceptable form of payment can be
found (cash works for smaller orders).  I've shipped stuff to quite a few
countries in the past.


In lugnet.general, Eric Huang writes:
Hi world,
I am in Taiwan. I need some spare parts. Is there any sites that accept
international orders and ship international? Any information will be


Message is in Reply To:
  buy spare parts
Hi world, I am in Taiwan. I need some spare parts. Is there any sites that accept international orders and ship international? Any information will be appreciated. Eric (25 years ago, 18-Jan-00, to lugnet.general)

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