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Re: Hardest Piece to remove?
Tue, 30 Nov 1999 17:31:40 GMT
564 times
Todd Lehman wrote:
I dunno...  :)  I'd have to say, separating a 6x8 plate from a stack of 10
tightly squeezed 6x8 plates is harder than that.  You can always bend the 4x4
plate slightly to get the 1x2 grille tile started.

Nope.  Take a space antenna piece, and send it pointy-end-down through a hole
in a Technic plate, and push them together.  The studs on the plate hold onto
the antenna base pretty well on their own, and the stud on the antenna is
firmly wedged into the hole in the plate.  A very useful arrangement, but nigh
impossible to separate later...

- jsproat

Jeremy H. Sproat <> ~~~
It's a fine line between marketing and grand theft. -- Scott Adams

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Hardest Piece to remove?
(...) Nah, that's an easy one. Just take a stack of technic beams about 2 plates less than the length of the space antenna. Place the technic plate onto the beams, with the antenna going through the holes. Hold the whole mess together tightly and (...) (25 years ago, 30-Nov-99, to lugnet.general)

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