Followups (Was: Re: The question in mind was...)
Sat, 20 Nov 1999 22:08:34 GMT
498 times
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Followups are your friend! Followups are best used to redirect a thread that
doesn't really belong in a particular newsgroup, to another newsgroup. Eg:
Which is the Lugnet Membership announcements - it was sent to three newsgroups
so that it had a wide audience, but followups were set to "lugnet.people" as
that was the most appropriate place to discuss them.
So, no matter which newsgroup you are in when you read that announcement, if
you reply to it then it "lugnet.people" will be put in the "Newsgroups" field
instead of the group that you started in.
In lugnet.general, Shiri Dori writes:
> Yes!
> I remember!
> It came by insight...
> I wanted to ask, what are "Followup-To"'s, 'cause I have absolutely no idea
> what they do...
> OK. It's not *that* important. But I thought it was...
Message has 1 Reply:
Message is in Reply To:
| | The question in mind was...
| Yes! I remember! It came by insight... I wanted to ask, what are "Followup-To"'s, 'cause I have absolutely no idea what they do... OK. It's not *that* important. But I thought it was... TIA :-) Shiri (...) (25 years ago, 20-Nov-99, to lugnet.general)
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