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  Re: Brickshelf hacked???
(...) And can anyone explain why this folder (URL) is showing 3746713986 hits? That makes it the second "most popular" folder on Brickshelf. Again, the images within have less than 500 hits. Very suspicious. -Steven (12 years ago, 2-Sep-13, to lugnet.general)
  LEGO sold in Asia.... from Lebanon to Japan...
LEGO sales were started in Asia in 1962 and thereabouts in Japan and other countries... Hong Kong, Lebanon and Singapore... and later other countries. In Japan LEGO was first imported from Denmark by the Asahi Corp. from 1962-69, from Fujisho Corp. (...) (12 years ago, 25-Aug-13, to lugnet.general)
  Re: First LEGO Plastic was Cellulose Acetate and....
Whooops.... goofed on that 2nd link in the previous post... (URL) way this can be mistaken for a non-licensed clone! Cheers, Gary Istok (12 years ago, 25-Aug-13, to lugnet.general)
  First LEGO Plastic was Cellulose Acetate and....
Well the first LEGO plastic produced for Automatic Binding Bricks (LEGO bricks from 1949-53) by TLG Billund Denmark were made of Cellulose Acetate. And anyone who has seen very old LEGO plastic can tell how much it warps. Just doing some research (...) (12 years ago, 25-Aug-13, to lugnet.general)
  LEGO Wooden Box Sets sold to Beauty Parlors/Barber Shops
A discussion with a LEGO Archive employee last year about wooden box sets, came up with a previously unknown use for LEGO sets... the fact that TLG was marketing the wooden box sets in the early years of their production to Beauty Parlors and to (...) (12 years ago, 18-Aug-13, to lugnet.general)
  How LEGO Service Packs got started...
Service packs and individual parts sales are relatively new (only last 20 or so years) to the USA and Canada. But in Europe individual parts sales started in 1950 in Denmark, and Service Packs started as individual sales either from mail-order, or (...) (12 years ago, 15-Aug-13, to lugnet.general)
  The Very Rare and Strange 800 LEGO Universal Set
One of the chapters in my LEGO DVD/download lists the story of very unusual LEGO sets, that really don't fit in any other category or type. The old 800 LEGO set, only sold in France, Denmark and Norway, fits the bill as one of the most unusual sets, (...) (12 years ago, 10-Aug-13, to lugnet.general)
  The impossibly complex LEGO Promotional Sets!
I just wrote some information about several 1980s promotional sets... such as the Dutch #1966 Repair Shop set (a Unox Soup promotional set there by Unilever Corp.). Or so I thought it was a Dutch exclusive... until I was shown some German catalog (...) (12 years ago, 7-Aug-13, to lugnet.general)
  Re: Brickshelf hacked???
You are right. I see: Views: 1724578787 and that is odd. I wonder if it is a scripting there, where like Y2K, or some such a number rolled over and the system populated that 1.7 billion number? (...) (12 years ago, 26-Jul-13, to lugnet.general)
  Brickshelf hacked???
Take a look at the "most popular" folders on Brickshelf and you'll see five new folders at the top of the first page. (URL) folders seem very suspicious. • Each folder has more than billion hits. • However the individual images in each folder have (...) (12 years ago, 23-Jul-13, to lugnet.general)

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