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  Re: BrikWars Rules Question
(...) Hi Aaron, I'm cross-posting this to, which is where most Brikwars discussion takes place. I'll let Mike give the official ruling, but as a humble acolyte of the most holy of games: Hmmm, I'm thinking that your latter idea, (...) (23 years ago, 25-Oct-01, to, lugnet.gaming)
  Re: BrikWars Rules Question
(...) Hi Aaron, I'm cross-posting this to, which is where most Brikwars discussion takes place. I'll let Mike give the official ruling, but as a humble acolyte of the most holy of games: Hmmm, I'm thinking that your latter idea, (...) (23 years ago, 25-Oct-01, to
  BrikWars Rules Question
In the section on collisions, the rules state that a vehicles Mass is equal to 1/5th its Armor Value. Say your vehicle has an AV of 4d10. Do you divide the 4 or the 10 by 5, or do you roll 4d10 and then divide the result by 5? We are preparing a (...) (23 years ago, 25-Oct-01, to
  Re: New game Legator
Hi Gary, I've been reading your progress with interest. Caching the z-buffers is a nice trick. But what is the advantage of doing it per piece? I would cache the whole frame's z-buffer for pieces that were not moving, and composite just the dynamic (...) (23 years ago, 13-Aug-01, to
  Re: New game Legator
(...) This point is by far what frustrates me the most about the current apps out there. The program I am developing, GWCAD, allows parts to dragged in the horizontal plane by holding down the left mouse button, and dragged vertically by holding (...) (23 years ago, 12-Aug-01, to

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