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  Re: (quick note) was: Re: USCLS is re-released!
(...) Yeah, USLCS. I was typing it pretty fast. It works on my end, and I don't have the website on my comp. And it also doesn't work in Netscape. (22 years ago, 30-Jul-02, to
  (quick note) was: Re: USCLS is re-released!
(...) ...Wouldn't that be "USLCS?" Also, the website (which is in fact uslcs) comes up "not found." best LFB (22 years ago, 29-Jul-02, to
  USCLS is re-released!
An add-on, designed for space combat, is being made at the moment. The website is (URL) those who don't know what this is, USCLS stands for Ultimate Space Lego Combat Sim. Its similar to BrikWars, but does have unique features (such as Skybases, (...) (22 years ago, 29-Jul-02, to
  Re: anybody still playing?
(...) Hello Thomas, Trust me, I am a fan of "Dune 2000" strategy game and it is several orders of magnitude more challenging than Rock raiders. It's a shame that what is fun is just waste or losing strategy. Laser is fun. Heavy vehicules are fun. (...) (22 years ago, 15-Jul-02, to
  Re: anybody still playing?
<snip> (...) shame (...) </snip> err yes . . . sort of . . I must admit I really like the game and do fear here's a wonderful chance Lego is dropping light heartedly. I love the design and colour schemes. It's sort of a building and science fiction (...) (22 years ago, 4-Jul-02, to
  Re: LEGO Loco
(...) This is the group for LEGO Loco: (URL) I admit, that area needs an overhaul.. -Suz (23 years ago, 11-Jun-02, to lugnet.trains,
  Re: New Interactive Game on LEGO.trains
(...) Hey! I'm a minifig! :) Steve (23 years ago, 10-Jun-02, to, lugnet.trains)
  Re: New Interactive Game on LEGO.trains
John & All, (...) Yes, it is fun. It reminds me of the Choose Your Own Adventure books that I read when I was younger. : ) Scott S. -- (23 years ago, 7-Jun-02, to, lugnet.trains)
  New Interactive Game on LEGO.trains
I just came across a fun new game you might want to check out: (URL) slick, and it even worked using my Mac:-) -John (23 years ago, 7-Jun-02, to, lugnet.trains)
  Re: anybody still playing?
(...) I just bought it. It is fun as a whole. Great graphics especially when played in 1rst person. However I wonder what is the public targeted by the game. The game is surely not for kids because of bad responsivity. Also the game is not for (...) (23 years ago, 6-Jun-02, to
  anybody still playing?
does somebody know of a leveleditor or anything else for the game? (23 years ago, 23-Feb-02, to
  Re: BrickHeap Wars!
(...) David and I are going to work on developing and fleshing out the BrickHeap Wars format during and after BricksWest. We're really going to learn-by-doing, and see what sorts of things work best (and don't). I imagine that we'll end up putting (...) (23 years ago, 8-Feb-02, to, lugnet.robotics, lugnet.gaming,
  Re: Is this a virus?
Did you try "Explore the Lab" on top of scrren? You will see what I experienced: When I open it, I got a green screen that is similar a dos character screen, I can't go back to original LEGO page, and that screen is run on full scrren mode, is it (...) (23 years ago, 1-Feb-02, to
  Re: Is this a virus?
(...) Do you mean the "Return To LEGO" menu bar item at the upper left of the window? Works fine for me. Was this the only problem you had with the Gallidor site, or is there something more you are asking about? Give some more details... Matt (23 years ago, 1-Feb-02, to
  Re: Is this a virus?
Thanks a lot. I found that I can't back to original lego page even if I press EXIT on the top right of screen. Zhengrong (...) (23 years ago, 1-Feb-02, to
  Re: Is this a virus?
(...) I've played's a variation on Columns, with a bit of Burning Monkey Puzzle Lab thrown in. What makes you think it's a virus? (Keeping in ming that it IS a "viral" marketing campaign...but that's just marketing-speak) Matt (And why (...) (23 years ago, 1-Feb-02, to lugnet.faq,
  Re: LEGO Racers 2
(...) I gave up and returned mine and have written a whiney letter to Lego Consumer Affairs. The original game was great, but the sequel sucked. The interface was too confusing for kids (and annoying to me, the adult), framerate was too slow, and (...) (23 years ago, 29-Jan-02, to,
  Re: Brickshelf problems...
In (and 1 other group), Dan Boger wrote: no one know what I was thinking to post here. my apologies :) Dan (23 years ago, 26-Jan-02, to
  Re: Brickshelf problems...
(...) <snip> (...) FUT there :) (23 years ago, 26-Jan-02, to lugnet.publish,
  Sector62 is about to start. All participants please read
Hi there, everyone It's Zac Soden, Galactic Mediator for Sector62, here. I'm posting now to make a couple of announcements: - The first is that Sector62 is about to begin. I'm scheduling it for Friday the 25th of January (Australian time, so for all (...) (23 years ago, 23-Jan-02, to,, lugnet.general,,,

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