| | Re: Free LEGO Games (Software)
FYI, if the "Get it Now" link doesn't seem to work for you (just returns you to the same page), click "Get it Now", then click any of the other individual titles, which will take you to the shopping cart. Then remove the individual title. (...) -- | (...) (23 years ago, 15-Nov-01, to lugnet.market.shopping, lugnet.games, lugnet.general)
 | | Free LEGO Games (Software)
I received this today: (URL) (23 years ago, 15-Nov-01, to lugnet.market.shopping, lugnet.games, lugnet.general)
 | | Re: BrikWars Rules Question
(...) Hi Aaron, I'm cross-posting this to lugent.fun.gaming, which is where most Brikwars discussion takes place. I'll let Mike give the official ruling, but as a humble acolyte of the most holy of games: Hmmm, I'm thinking that your latter idea, (...) (23 years ago, 25-Oct-01, to lugnet.games, lugnet.gaming)
 | | Re: BrikWars Rules Question
(...) Hi Aaron, I'm cross-posting this to lugent.fun.gaming, which is where most Brikwars discussion takes place. I'll let Mike give the official ruling, but as a humble acolyte of the most holy of games: Hmmm, I'm thinking that your latter idea, (...) (23 years ago, 25-Oct-01, to lugnet.games)
 | | BrikWars Rules Question
In the section on collisions, the rules state that a vehicles Mass is equal to 1/5th its Armor Value. Say your vehicle has an AV of 4d10. Do you divide the 4 or the 10 by 5, or do you roll 4d10 and then divide the result by 5? We are preparing a (...) (23 years ago, 25-Oct-01, to lugnet.games)
 | | Re: LEGO Creator: bad small lever
More informations about the "small lever" bug in lego creator town junior. It is much more limited than I first posted. The "small lever" part available in the parts list is correct. The one that is not correct is included in two ready-made official (...) (23 years ago, 14-Oct-01, to lugnet.games.lego.creator)
 | | Lego Racers 2 Released
Hey-- looks like Lego Racers 2 is out. Doesn't look like they include network play though-- what were they thinking?!?!?!?!? -Roy (23 years ago, 17-Sep-01, to lugnet.games.lego.racers)
 | | LEGO Creator: bad small lever
About LEGO Creator, town junior version. Could someone correct the small lever 17010106_L73587.lca so that it moves in the right direction. Many thanks, Damien (23 years ago, 7-Sep-01, to lugnet.games.lego.creator)
 | | Re: New game Legator
Hi Gary, I've been reading your progress with interest. Caching the z-buffers is a nice trick. But what is the advantage of doing it per piece? I would cache the whole frame's z-buffer for pieces that were not moving, and composite just the dynamic (...) (23 years ago, 13-Aug-01, to lugnet.games)
 | | Re: New game Legator
(...) This point is by far what frustrates me the most about the current apps out there. The program I am developing, GWCAD, allows parts to dragged in the horizontal plane by holding down the left mouse button, and dragged vertically by holding (...) (23 years ago, 12-Aug-01, to lugnet.games)