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 Games / *175 (-20)
  Getting Worse?
I've been playing only Barron and Jhonnys LegoRacer tracks for a very long time, always getting 1st or 2nd. Now Jhonny is getting stuff like 4th & 6'th place sometimes. Likewise with Barron. Has anyone else expirienced this? (24 years ago, 26-Jul-00, to
  Info on new games!!
Check it out! Review of LEGO Stunt Rally:(URL) of LEGO Action Team:(URL) (24 years ago, 21-Jul-00, to
  Re: Legoland Game
(...) Well, this is Legoland, not Lego Creator, so it won't be "LEGO piece, LEGO piece..." :-) But it *is* close to that annoying. Every menu point at it, and the Park Manager will announce what that button does. "Build a path...Erase (...) (24 years ago, 20-Jul-00, to
  Re: Legoland Game
(...) Do you mean like "LEGO piece, LEGO piece" at everything you point at? (24 years ago, 20-Jul-00, to
  Re: Legoland Game
(...) My son won a copy of Legoland at the Kidvention last week, and I've been playing my way through it a bit at a time. Keep in mind that I haven't played any similar games like Sim Theme Park or Roller Coaster Tycoon, so YMMV on my comments. The (...) (24 years ago, 20-Jul-00, to
  Help in Level 6 (Holland)
Hi, folks. If anyone is further along in Legoland's "Game Mode", I'd really appreciate the help. I'm convinced I'm missing something obvious here. I keep failing my inspections in Level 6 (Holland) due to not enough variety in my selection of (...) (24 years ago, 19-Jul-00, to
  Legoland Game
Hi, I'm interested in getting the Legoland game but I'd really like to know more about it then the descriptions and pictures provided by TLC and computer companies. If you have the game, would you mind describing it to me please? (24 years ago, 13-Jul-00, to
For the people who want to go under the Desert Adventure Dragway oblisk before it falls: use a green powerup & 1 white to get under it, and it will fall on you. There's no CRACK, CRUNCH or SPLAT because the LEGO company probably didn't think it was (...) (24 years ago, 10-Jul-00, to
  Ice planet shields?
Mainly, I thought Ice Planet Pathways' shortcuts were the turn-off after the first cave & going over the divider that makes the sharp turn, BUT why does the time race have shields? Mabey there's a forcefield like on Magma Moon Marathon? (...) (24 years ago, 10-Jul-00, to
  Re: Got Lego Island for ten bucks
Where in castle??? (...) (24 years ago, 8-Jul-00, to
  Re: Shortcuts
Dark forest dash: It is near a sharp turn, I forget where (I found it by doing the track backwards) Pirate scull pass: Stop shooting the big scull!!! It's useless! Simular shortcut as Tribal island trail. Behind rock over some sand. Alien rally (...) (24 years ago, 8-Jul-00, to
  Re: LEGO RACERS Easter Eggs...
I printed the following from a web-site a while ago. I've tried them all and they work: Rocket Car FLYSKYHGH Reversed Rocket Racer Run track LNFRRRM Turbo mode FSTFRWRD Maintain speed off track NSLWJ All power-ups are always max MXPMX All power-ups (...) (24 years ago, 8-Jul-00, to,
  Re: Shortcuts
The following are the shortcuts I know about: Imperial Grand Prix Use a cannon (red) power-up to shoot the barrels in the tunnel when you see them. Moon Magma Marathon (from earlier appends) Use the shield (blue) power-up behind some rocks after (...) (24 years ago, 8-Jul-00, to
  Re: Shortcuts (a largeish message)
I cut & pasted the map but didn't se a shortcut. For a long time I thought about shooting the dragon so it would swoop down & carry you, but if it was supposed to happen, the cannonball would target it. Who knows, the Nightmare-Athon is the last (...) (24 years ago, 7-Jul-00, to
  Re: Shortcuts (a largeish message)
I've been watching it for about 6 months now. The track & character have been the same for 6 months. The hall of fame has been coming soon for 6 months. Did lego forget? Who knows? (...) (24 years ago, 7-Jul-00, to
  Re: Shortcuts (a largeish message)
(...) Nope. There's a "track of the month" feature at You can keep watching there. I just ran the race a lot, and watched closely while things were loading. Steve (24 years ago, 7-Jul-00, to
  Re: Shortcuts (a largeish message)
Do you know a place where you can get all the maps (they are only up for a second when the level loads)??? <><><><><><>Nick (I^;# <><><><><><><><> (...) (24 years ago, 6-Jul-00, to
  Re: Shortcuts (a largeish message)
(...) Yeah, I can't figure that one out, either. I *see* the shortcut on the map, but I don't know how to get in. It probably has something to do with the stone arches (big brooms?) you drive through, but who knows? Steve (24 years ago, 5-Jul-00, to
  Re: Shortcuts (a largeish message)
(...) Cool! :) Now I've got a trick my sons haven't figured out yet! Always have to stay one step ahead of the kids. (...) The trick with this one is that the arches have a sound, as well as a color. One arch in each pair has a high-tone, and the (...) (24 years ago, 5-Jul-00, to
  Re: New Lego Computer Programs?
(...) Yes, look at (URL) for Stunt Rally, (URL) for Alpha Team, and (URL) for Creator Knights Kingdom. Alan (24 years ago, 4-Jul-00, to

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