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Re: Another Point to Ponder ...
Newsgroups:, lugnet.gaming
Wed, 5 Apr 2000 17:40:55 GMT
52 times
In, Shaun Sullivan writes:

Hi Mike,

As one of the NELUG Brikwars-Fanatics, I wanted to pose a question to you, as • the
keeper of all knowledge arcane and sacred regarding the game.  Actually, I
just wanted to get your thoughts on an  interpretation of the rules.

Here's the situation - I have an armed "flying suit", if you will, which can
zip handily around at high velocities and basically act like a moquito on
amphetamines.  We're talking a small suit (which can be seen worn by the
Darth-Maul trooper in the lower-right-hand corner of this picture:, hardly larger than the
minifig wearing it (it's built and paid for as a small flying vehicle).  What
I suddenly realized I wanted to do was slap a SpaceHero in one of these, in
part due to his high skill roll.  Plus it's kind of cool, the hero in the
small flying suit, etc.

Great minds think alike!  I created on of these mosquito buggers yesterday and
was thinking "man what if I could have a SpaceHero fly this instead of just a
little old pilot.  Not to mention the fact I wanted the SpaceHero carrying a
Death Gun :-).  You should see it its quite commical, basically just a fig with
little wings carrying a huge gun.  I don't think its practical for an actual
game but I might bring it for show anyway and then just give the pilot a more
reasonable gun.

Normally I am a big fan of group concensus, but ideally I'd like to pull this
off sans-public-knowledge for the surprise kick-in-the-pants it might offer
(insert diabolical laugh here)

Kind of like my harmless looking Gonks.  I just wish you had been able to feel
their furry before we had to pick up.  Wahhhahhh!!! Wahha Wahhhaaaahhaaaa!!!

Eric Kingsley

The New England LEGO Users Group

View My Creations at:

Message is in Reply To:
  Another Point to Ponder ...
(...) Hi Mike, As one of the NELUG Brikwars-Fanatics, I wanted to pose a question to you, as the keeper of all knowledge arcane and sacred regarding the game. Actually, I just wanted to get your thoughts on an interpretation of the rules. Here's the (...) (25 years ago, 5-Apr-00, to, lugnet.gaming)  

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