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Re: Another Point to Ponder ...
Newsgroups:, lugnet.gaming
Wed, 5 Apr 2000 17:26:45 GMT
166 times
In, Shaun Sullivan writes:

Here's the situation - I have an armed "flying suit", if you will, which can
handily around at high velocities and basically act like a moquito on

Argh!  Little bastards.

suddenly realized I wanted to do was slap a SpaceHero in one of these, in part
to his high skill roll.  Plus it's kind of cool, the hero in the small flying
suit, etc.

Now, what I'm wondering is if this even works.

I can actually answer this one for you, Shaun, because I asked Mike the same
question (I wanted a SpaceHero in my Mech :D).

Basically, anyone can start the game driving a vehicle (like my MEDIC!  HA HA!)
but only a pilot can move *and* fire a vehicle's weapons in the same turn.

Dang.  I deleted the part where you said that you were asking so that you
wouldn't have a diabolical surprise... I wanted to say that I'm not as nice a
guy as you, apparently.

Here's a question, though:  Would we think it was generally OK to have a Hero
burn his Stupendous Feat on piloting and firing in the same turn?  I wouldn't
have a problem with it in theory, but you know how I am about wanted to raise
the value of the standard footsoldier to being worth feilding somehow, and that
makes vehicles even more powerful.  Of course, if we leave the 5 Troops to 1
vehicle ratio house rule in place, it should even out.  That would mean you'd
have to have... what's the ratio on SpaceHeroes?  7?  So you'd have to have 12
Troops to field a single vehicle with a SpaceHero running it.


Message is in Reply To:
  Another Point to Ponder ...
(...) Hi Mike, As one of the NELUG Brikwars-Fanatics, I wanted to pose a question to you, as the keeper of all knowledge arcane and sacred regarding the game. Actually, I just wanted to get your thoughts on an interpretation of the rules. Here's the (...) (25 years ago, 5-Apr-00, to, lugnet.gaming)  

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