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Re: Why LEGO changed name from LEGOLAND to LEGOSYSTEM?
Thu, 21 Nov 2002 22:27:22 GMT
5038 times
In lugnet.faq, Cary Clark writes:
In lugnet.faq, Eduardo Vazquez Harte writes:
I'm a LEGO fan since I was 9 months, in 1991 I noticed that LEGO
changed it's name from LEGOLAND to LEGO then in 1992 to LEGOSYSTEM "town,
castle, pirates and space" in 1991 know I found that LEGO was once called
LEGOSYSTEM in the 60s or 70s so I whould Like to know what happend or/and why
they did.


(cross-posted to .general to get more exposure)


I've always assumed that the marketing department occasionally feels the
brandname is stale or misrepresntative of the product, and changes it to
liven things up. I can see some people confusing LEGOLAND the product brand
with LEGOLAND the theme park, for instance.

Normal like micorsoft with windows and other companies do too.

I never made that mistake with LEGOLAND.

As LEGO branched out to appeal to more age groups, it needed a way to
distinguish DUPLO from the classic building blocks. The name game continues.
Within the last 10 years, buckets of basic building blocks have gone under
the names 'FreeStyle', 'Basic', 'Classic' and now 'Creator'. And DUPLO has
been renamed 'Explore'.

Too bad I like the Basic I didn't know about duplo changes as my last catalog
was a 1999 catalog but I do know that LEGO made lots of changes one that
I hate and made me stop buying LEGO was the TOWN change ;( but I like
the Star wars set since I'm a SW fan.

But what do I know?

We are just fans but thanks for the info.


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Why LEGO changed name from LEGOLAND to LEGOSYSTEM?
(...) (cross-posted to .general to get more exposure) Eduardo: I've always assumed that the marketing department occasionally feels the brandname is stale or misrepresntative of the product, and changes it to liven things up. I can see some people (...) (22 years ago, 21-Nov-02, to lugnet.faq, lugnet.general)

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