Re: Why LEGO changed name from LEGOLAND to LEGOSYSTEM?
Thu, 21 Nov 2002 22:27:22 GMT
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In lugnet.faq, Cary Clark writes:
> In lugnet.faq, Eduardo Vazquez Harte writes:
> > I'm a LEGO fan since I was 9 months, in 1991 I noticed that LEGO
> > changed it's name from LEGOLAND to LEGO then in 1992 to LEGOSYSTEM "town,
> > castle, pirates and space" in 1991 know I found that LEGO was once called
> > LEGOSYSTEM in the 60s or 70s so I whould Like to know what happend or/and why
> > they did.
> >
> > Thanks
> (cross-posted to .general to get more exposure)
> Eduardo:
> I've always assumed that the marketing department occasionally feels the
> brandname is stale or misrepresntative of the product, and changes it to
> liven things up. I can see some people confusing LEGOLAND the product brand
> with LEGOLAND the theme park, for instance.
Normal like micorsoft with windows and other companies do too.
I never made that mistake with LEGOLAND.
> As LEGO branched out to appeal to more age groups, it needed a way to
> distinguish DUPLO from the classic building blocks. The name game continues.
> Within the last 10 years, buckets of basic building blocks have gone under
> the names 'FreeStyle', 'Basic', 'Classic' and now 'Creator'. And DUPLO has
> been renamed 'Explore'.
Too bad I like the Basic I didn't know about duplo changes as my last catalog
was a 1999 catalog but I do know that LEGO made lots of changes one that
I hate and made me stop buying LEGO was the TOWN change ;( but I like
the Star wars set since I'm a SW fan.
> But what do I know?
We are just fans but thanks for the info.
> Cary
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