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 Events / BrickFest / 227
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Re: Mecha at Brickfest?
Tue, 19 Jun 2001 01:26:46 GMT
854 times
Chris, we Mech guys have been kicking around the Idea of going next year
because we just can'y make it this year. We already have some ideas about
doing somthing simular to what you have suggested. Since Some of us just
can't make it this year, you'll have to represent us! You are our General!!!

Good luck and when we do come to Brickfest 2002 it will be worth it, trust us!!

Looking to 2002 in NJ

In, Chris Maddison writes:
Hey all, I was wondering who all from the .build.mecha corner of lugnet is
gonna be at the fest.  I've got a bunch of minimechs (shameless plug here: ), most of whom will be
making it to the fest for display, along with a few other newer ones.  I
think it'd be kinda cool to display everybody's, and if enough of people
were there to talk about it, maybe even have a sort of "unofficial" workshop
on mech building, big and small.  Let's hear some ideas folks.

Message is in Reply To:
  Mecha at Brickfest?
Hey all, I was wondering who all from the .build.mecha corner of lugnet is gonna be at the fest. I've got a bunch of minimechs (shameless plug here: (URL) ), most of whom will be making it to the fest for display, along with a few other newer ones. (...) (24 years ago, 19-Jun-01, to,

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