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Re: I just held a Lego Show!
lugnet.dacta,, lugnet.general
Tue, 7 Mar 2000 03:44:55 GMT
1876 times
Rob Doucette wrote:
A question for Kevin:  How did your expectations of kid and/or teacher
response (hands on, Q&A's, material covered in time alloted) compare to

What I just did wasn't a presentation kind of thing, it was more like an
art exhibition where you just go round and look at the exhibits. The
other thing I do is a Technic building session every Wed afternoon: the
kids call it a "class" but it's not really, it's a free-building session
with help available when needed.

Kid resopnse has been very enthusiastic all along - I had to limit the
building sessions to 8 people at  a time to prevent it gettng out of
control, and the sign-up sheet for each week is always full. I have had
very positive feedback from parents and staff, that the kids really
enjoy it and that it's prompted them to start building more complicated
stuff at home and to get interested in mechanical stuff generally.

One interesting thing with the Technic session is that it's been almost
all boys so far, and specifically the kinds of boys who don't have a
long attention span for academic work and tend to spend a lot of time
bouncing off the walls in the hall otherwise. The rest of the school
gets much quieter on Wed afternoons, I'm told! They have plenty of
concentration for Technic building though - we go for 2 hours and they
would happily go on longer. It's always a struggle to get them to stop!

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Message is in Reply To:
  Re: I just held a Lego Show!
Kevin Wilson <> wrote in message (...) This brings up a point that I've been mulling over for some time. Has anyone put together a "How to do a LEGO guest lecture at your local school"? I've (...) (25 years ago, 6-Mar-00, to lugnet.dacta,, lugnet.general)

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