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 Duplo / *651 (-5)
  Re: Unknown part: Brick 2 x 4 with hole
(...) Thanx all, The lot contained some 2x4 duplo bricks as well (only 2x4s). Including some white bricks, I didn't know there were white duplo bricks back then. I never had much duplo when I was young, I guess I only had a small boat with a figure. (...) (21 years ago, 6-Jun-04, to lugnet.general, lugnet.duplo, FTX)
  Re: Unknown part: Brick 2 x 4 with hole
(...) Niels, You are correct. That is a system-size brick that was used in early Duplo sets. It had a rope attached that allowed the child to turn a Duplo wheeled base into a pull toy. Here's a pic of the part: (URL) part has recently been added to (...) (21 years ago, 5-Jun-04, to lugnet.general, lugnet.duplo)
  Re: Is this for real?
There are enough obviously real Duplo pieces in there (horse, pot, 2*2 and 4*2 bricks, various plates, sloped bricks, ladder, ball) for me to think this is probably real, and as Mark pointed out the figs in the picture do compare well with the new (...) (21 years ago, 31-May-04, to lugnet.castle, lugnet.duplo)
  Re: Is this for real?
(...) One of the things that made me question it are the figs. Those are NOT Duplo figs as we know them.... BUT then I saw the new Duplo sets on S@H - well see for yourself: (URL) -- check the fig standing. So it looks like Lego is changing MORE (...) (21 years ago, 30-May-04, to lugnet.castle, lugnet.duplo)
  Re: Is this for real?
(...) Although it looke like that cauldron over the gate has a hay bail in it. Maybe the guys in the castle are trying to feed their enemies' horses. That would be OK for 3 year olds. ; ) (21 years ago, 29-May-04, to lugnet.castle, lugnet.duplo)

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