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 Database / Set Inventories / 1525
1524  |  1526
Re: New features at
Wed, 12 Feb 2003 14:48:49 GMT
2376 times
On Wed, Feb 12, 2003 at 06:19:31AM +0000, David Schilling wrote:
One interesting query that I've wondered about is what is the set with the
most number of odd elements? Most sets seem to have an even number of most

heh, never thought to look at that.  I'm still thinking of the best way
to implement that in a report (still learning SQL :), but here's the
short answer:

<set:6543-1> - it has 174 different parts in odd quantities!

Here's the top 10:

<set:6543-1> - 174
<set:6597-1> - 173
<set:6542-1> - 149
<set:4709-1> - 148
<set:6575-1> - 145
<set:5987-1> - 141
<set:5978-1> - 140
<set:6559-1> - 136
<set:5988-1> - 135
<set:6395-1> - 131



Message is in Reply To:
  Re: New features at
(...) I love the new features! Thanks! One interesting query that I've wondered about is what is the set with the most number of odd elements? Most sets seem to have an even number of most parts. -- David Schilling (22 years ago, 12-Feb-03, to lugnet.db.inv)

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