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Re: Need help testing 9751 Serial Interface
Wed, 23 Mar 2011 02:21:41 GMT
33035 times
Problem solved!  Here's what the fellow wrote, in case this is of use to anybody
in the future.


I tried the null modem last night but I was making other changes as well so when
it did not work I removed it.  That is the key.  A null modem or null modem
cable must be used.

If your other buyer is a programmer he can avoid having to use Robolab by going
to one of these two websites for the Control Interface code/dll files.

For Java development:

For VB.Net development:

These methods are much easier if he is a programmer.
For future reference, I am using a new Dell Precision M6500 laptop with windows
7 64bit loaded.  I have a VMware Virtual machine running with Windows XP SP3
loaded and I am using a USB - Serial converter mapped to com port 6.  I now have
the control interface working using the VB.Net demo program (website posted
above) and I am getting good readings on all sensors.

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Need help testing 9751 Serial Interface
Some helpful info from a fellow to whom I sold another 9701/9751 set a while ago. Thanks, -Jason " also for me it was not easy to get the interface running. OK, in a short and brief form some infos how I got the fun I expected to have with the Lego (...) (14 years ago, 22-Mar-11, to lugnet.dacta)

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