Re: Need help testing 9751 Serial Interface
Tue, 22 Mar 2011 07:02:53 GMT
32781 times
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More info from the buyer, in case this sheds any new light:
"I tried connecting to a couple of different computers and nothing. I have used
a VB.Net program and a Java program, both supposedly working on windows XP SP3
with a usb to serial converter and/or serial cable, with the same results (No
response from the interface)."
Message is in Reply To:
 | | Need help testing 9751 Serial Interface
| Howdy- I recently sold a 9701 set + 9751 serial interface & my buyer is having trouble operating the 9751 interface. I have 2 more such sets & observe the same behavior. I plug in the AC adapter and the Stop & Power lights illuminate. At this point, (...) (14 years ago, 22-Mar-11, to lugnet.dacta)
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