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 Color / *484 (-10)
  My letter to Lego, and it could be yours too!
Hey all, Well, after setting the roof on fire with my last post, I thought I'd try to pour a little water on the flames by collecting my thoughts together into a letter to the company. Those of you who read and agree with it, please feel free to (...) (20 years ago, 18-Jul-04, to lugnet.color) ! 
  Re: Large 48x48 gray baseplates
"Markassius" <> wrote in message (...) obvious, (...) I can tell the differences between the two when they are near eachother, and the differences are more obvious than newer old gray and (...) (20 years ago, 17-Jul-04, to lugnet.color)
  Re: Troll (was Re: Fed UP!!!!!!!!
(...) That is exactly what I have been trying to say. I am glad someone sees it! Lets stop the trolling! -Alfred (20 years ago, 17-Jul-04, to lugnet.color, FTX)
  Re: Large 48x48 gray baseplates
(...) Yes, they are being produced in the new grey. I received two baseplates in a recent S@H order, and they are the new grey. A fact I didn't realize until today, when I visited the Potomac Mills outlet store. They just got Pick-a-Brick (although (...) (20 years ago, 17-Jul-04, to lugnet.color)
  Re: A question of humidity...
(...) Pure sodium metal will react with water to form hydrogen and heat energy; more than enough heat energy to ignite the hydrogen. Hydrogen is highly flamable. -Rob. (20 years ago, 17-Jul-04, to lugnet.color,
  Re: Large 48x48 gray baseplates
(...) Hmm, if you can't tell the difference in the store, will you be able to tell it when bought and brought home? I know that my old light grey pieces collection varies in shades more than some of the old pieces together with the new grey. /\/\ark (...) (20 years ago, 17-Jul-04, to lugnet.color)
  Re: A question of humidity...
(...) Pure sodium (the metal) will explode (= react violantly) with water. However, the sodium that is in the oceans is not the metal, but the ion - positively charged. It is usualy accompanied by a chlorine ion (negative). Just like salt that you (...) (20 years ago, 17-Jul-04, to lugnet.color)
  Re: A question of humidity...
SNIP (...) Please explain this to me.....sodium will explode when it gets wet? If this is true than wouldn't the oceans blow up? Just curious.... Jen (20 years ago, 17-Jul-04, to lugnet.color)
  Re: Fed UP!!!!!!!!
(...) (through tear-stained pillows) SOB SOB OH WHYYYY...WHYYYY... (/nancykerrigan) I actually had a nice chat with Jake at the Brickish Association meeting last month. I've made my peace with the change, and have been duly doubling my collection of (...) (20 years ago, 17-Jul-04, to lugnet.color, FTX)
  Re: Fed UP!!!!!!!!
(...) Thanks. I am glad to know I wasn't the only one. ;) (...) Well, I think you might have misunderstood me here. I _don't_ think people should be ranting about this all over Lugnet, and especially not in .general. However, people shouldn't be (...) (20 years ago, 17-Jul-04, to lugnet.color)

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