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 Castle / Castle Organizations / Castle World / 815
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Re: Brickfest Castle World Coordinator
Fri, 20 Apr 2001 17:38:01 GMT
578 times
In, Shiri Dori writes:
Well, like we discussed earlier (and like Frank mentioned), the biggest CW
event is going to be the Royal Gathering. I hope you've taken that into
account. ;-)

Yep, I haven't forgotten about it.  :)

Plus, Chris and I were just discussing Frank's idea for a tournament (a
tourney-ring-type-thing). This could work in a very simple, yet cool manner.

Here's how we think it could work:
- Each person can submit one contestant.
- Each round is "fought" - hands-on combat, no weapons (or, possibly, a
sword and shield only). The round is actually determined by a simple
die-rolling between the two participants. E.g. Scar vs. Verneer: Pawel and I
both roll a die. Whoever gets the higher number, advances to the next round.

Hmmm...  One problem with the single die roll is it would be far too quick, I
think...  Also, being random, a lowly 10 year old farm boy wielding a rock
could clobber everyone, including the knight in full plate armor.  :)  Also,
what about the classic tourney sport of the Joust?  :D

- We could probably have a big, fancy last match ceremony, where all the
figs come to watch, and a ceremony for the winner. Perhaps we can actually
get a small prize for the winner and for the runner-up. (Christina? Is this

I'll check with Christina about a prize.  :)


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Brickfest Castle World Coordinator
(...) Good. ;-) (...) That's part of the point! The tournament would be hand-combat, so it'd be "fair" for everyone. As for quickness - that's good for the first few rounds, and would put more focus on the semifinals and finals. This is, of course, (...) (24 years ago, 20-Apr-01, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Brickfest Castle World Coordinator
(...) Hey Jeff- Well, like we discussed earlier (and like Frank mentioned), the biggest CW event is going to be the Royal Gathering. I hope you've taken that into account. ;-) Plus, Chris and I were just discussing Frank's idea for a tournament (a (...) (24 years ago, 20-Apr-01, to

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