Re: Factions
Mon, 16 Jul 2001 02:44:05 GMT
2014 times
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In lugnet.castle, Jason Cicchini writes:
> In lugnet.castle, Leonard Hoffman writes:
> >
> > personally, they serve as my protagonist faction.
> >
> > i think it is because most of us began our collection with classic, lions, and
> > black falcons. the black knights serve as the beginning break with the past
> > towards a new future. they are symbolically replacing the old (good) therefore
> > are seen as being at odds with the 'good.'
> >
> > also, i think many people associate the BK as the frontrunners for the DM,
> > which are much more evil looking. if you see BK and DM as two arms of the same
> > faction, then they both must be evil.
> >
> > -lenny
> Well see, here's how I view it.
> I never liked the names of any characters LEGO has made, so ever since my
> first set (forestmen's hideout) i would make up original names for the
> factions and characters, and amalgamate the charcters and bgs as they fit
> into my storyline for my kingdoms.
> But here's how I see the factions of Lego Castle as they fit together in my
> mind.
> Black Knights- Good guys. They're the force which guards a large kindom in
> the west.
> Dragon Masters- Bad Guys, but not by much. Original knights of the Black
> knights, but defected and are lead by the wizards who form a sort of "tribunal."
> Royal Knights- Good Guys. They guard the Kingdom to the North. They are what
> evolced from the original Yellow castle Knights.
> Knights Kingdom- Good Guys. They guard the Kingdom to the South. Their King,
> Leo, is the brother of the King of the Royal Knights, whose name escapes me now.
> Fright Knights- really Bad Guys. They were once part of the Dragon masters,
> however their greater evil led them to split off and form a new faction
> laden with the dark arts which the witches use to aid with battle.
> Forestmen- good guys. Elf-like race which guards the forests, and sometimes
> aids the good guys when a war threatens the forest.
> Bulls- bad guys, but there's a catch. The bulls are like a faction of
> barbarians, but early on their race was possessed by war-like spirits (I.e.
> record of lodoss war's Orson. If you haven't seen record of lodoss war, SEE IT!)
> And that's just my 2 cents on the subject!
> Catch you cats later!
> -the Rascal King
Hey what about Crusaders and Black Falcons?
Message has 1 Reply:  | | Re: Factions
| (...) Hello everyone, this is my initial post here though I have read from this site for a while now. I have recently come out of the "Dark Age" and castles were always my favorites so I thought I would put in my .01 at least. I have the Falcons, (...) (24 years ago, 22-Jul-01, to lugnet.castle)
Message is in Reply To:
 | | Re: Factions
| (...) Well see, here's how I view it. I never liked the names of any characters LEGO has made, so ever since my first set (forestmen's hideout) i would make up original names for the factions and characters, and amalgamate the charcters and bgs as (...) (24 years ago, 15-Jul-01, to lugnet.castle)
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