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Re: Factions
Mon, 16 Jul 2001 02:44:05 GMT
2014 times
In lugnet.castle, Jason Cicchini writes:
In lugnet.castle, Leonard Hoffman writes:

personally, they serve as my protagonist faction.

i think it is because most of us began our collection with classic, lions, and
black falcons.  the black knights serve as the beginning break with the past
towards a new future.  they are symbolically replacing the old (good) therefore
are seen as being at odds with the 'good.'

also, i think many people associate the BK as the frontrunners for the DM,
which are much more evil looking.  if you see BK and DM as two arms of the same
faction, then they both must be evil.


Well see, here's how I view it.
I never liked the names of any characters LEGO has made, so ever since my
first set (forestmen's hideout) i would make up original names for the
factions and characters, and amalgamate the charcters and bgs as they fit
into my storyline for my kingdoms.
But here's how I see the factions of Lego Castle as they fit together in my
Black Knights- Good guys. They're the force which guards a large kindom in
the west.
Dragon Masters- Bad Guys, but not by much. Original knights of the Black
knights, but defected and are lead by the wizards who form a sort of "tribunal."
Royal Knights- Good Guys. They guard the Kingdom to the North. They are what
evolced from the original Yellow castle Knights.
Knights Kingdom- Good Guys. They guard the Kingdom to the South. Their King,
Leo, is the brother of the King of the Royal Knights, whose name escapes me now.
Fright Knights- really Bad Guys. They were once part of the Dragon masters,
however their greater evil led them to split off and form a new faction
laden with the dark arts which the witches use to aid with battle.
Forestmen- good guys. Elf-like race which guards the forests, and sometimes
aids the good guys when a war threatens the forest.
Bulls- bad guys, but there's a catch. The bulls are like a faction of
barbarians, but early on their race was possessed by war-like spirits (I.e.
record of lodoss war's Orson. If you haven't seen record of lodoss war, SEE IT!)
And that's just my 2 cents on the subject!
Catch you cats later!
-the Rascal King

Hey what about Crusaders and Black Falcons?

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Factions
(...) Hello everyone, this is my initial post here though I have read from this site for a while now. I have recently come out of the "Dark Age" and castles were always my favorites so I thought I would put in my .01 at least. I have the Falcons, (...) (24 years ago, 22-Jul-01, to lugnet.castle)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Factions
(...) Well see, here's how I view it. I never liked the names of any characters LEGO has made, so ever since my first set (forestmen's hideout) i would make up original names for the factions and characters, and amalgamate the charcters and bgs as (...) (24 years ago, 15-Jul-01, to lugnet.castle)

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