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Re: [ot] Map Making Software
Wed, 14 Mar 2001 06:39:22 GMT
1135 times
In lugnet.castle, Pawel Nazarewicz writes:
Could you be more specific, Pawel?  What is your goal?

-- Hop-Frog

I want a map for reference for the structures and places in my kingdom.  I
suppose the Warcraft editor is ok, but I was hoping for something easier
to manage ...

I wasn't seriously suggesting Warcraft again!

Playing with Railroad Tycoon just now, it's possible to do some very nice
looking maps, starting with a picture (elevation map) and massaged with
elevation tools. (Raise, Lower, Smooth.) It has nice ground cover mixing and
vegation cover is independently sprayed on. Also a few house and building
types. Rivers, roads and of course railroad tracks are available. You can
put labels on your map. It supports borders to differentiate political
territories. Nice little toy GIS!

For all that, it only offers 4 rotation views (but much zoom level, with any
level of detail). And there is really no way to track any data of your own.
However, that can be done after you make the pretty map.... Speaking of
which, I am looking for a way to do a screen dump out of the game!

For the other desirable things:

I've experimented recently with HTML, using a large image with little iconic
graphics layered over it. It's easy to change positions of the icons. A
homemade GIS in HTML. Open horizons: you can make the icons into links, or
attach scripts.  I got the necessary concepts from Danny Goodman's book,
Dynamic HTML (O'Reilly.)

You can preview the whole works of that (uses nice map of Mediterranean) at:

I'm still trying to dump out Railroad Tycoon 2 pictures....

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: [ot] Map Making Software
(...) I want a map for reference for the structures and places in my kingdom. I suppose the Warcraft editor is ok, but I was hoping for something easier to manage ... -- Pawel (24 years ago, 14-Mar-01, to lugnet.castle)

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