Re: [CW] More new pics ... and guns in CW
Wed, 9 Feb 2000 19:08:16 GMT
1363 times
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In lugnet.castle, Pawel Nazarewicz writes:
> > I say that guns should only be used where they fit in historicly.
> >
> > --
> > Jonathan Wilson
> >
> >
> I think that for this, it's more of an issue of "when" as opposed to
> "where" ... We have yet to figure out the perfect method of keeping up with
> time,
> so I guess this will give us something to think about
Well, my turn to take a crack at this subject...
I have been working and reworking a Ninja theme project for about a year,
ever anticipating CW to appear. Luckily for me, my Fortress design allows
me to switch from standard medieval implements of death and dismemberment to
guns and cannons easily. I did this so I could make my creation compatable
w/ Pirates and Castle.
However, I am sticking to the Ninja theme in the way TLG presented
it...there are pistols, rifles, and cannons present in many of the original
sets. I also agree w/ a loose historical perspective in the sense that the
Chinese, Koreans, and Japanese were using explosves, fireworks, and cannons
while westrn Europe was crawling through the Dark ages.
I have amassed a modest infantry of unskilled soldiers who possess the
"firesticks". Historically, the advent of firearms in fuedal Japan changed
much of its history-it was a very interesting time. These weapons were
possessed by a few warlords a first. The closed society nature of Japan
combined w/ the Bushido code of warriors slowed the spread of firearms in
general warfare. Indeed firearms were not immediately accepted in large
armies, who ha been employing traditional methods of warfare for centuries.
For many years, firearms were used in conjunction w/ archers, pole arm
infantry, and cavalry.
My fortress is also outfitted w/ cannons which are part of the back story.
Cannons are limited to a defensive role in my little world. Given the
topography of Japan, very mountainous, movement of cannons and large
destructive war machines is very difficult. The roads are bad and the
cannons are to heavy to move efficiently.
I understand people's reservations about guns, but they are very much a part
of my fuedal world...Other realms have magic, wizards, and dragons. What
defense would 200 samurai/ninjas/peasants have against half a dozen fire
breathing dragons, wizards, and undead soldiers?
Would it be fair/plausible that my highly skilled warriors can only defend
themselves w/ spears and katanas against adversaries that have the power of
darkness or armies of the walking dead?
A simple suggestion to solve the problem would be to locate myself and
others of like mind later or earlier i history than others....for example,
my realm may be 200 years later than someone elses....
.....a nuclear war and plague wiped out Town JR. in the early days of a new humanity tried to crawl out of a Long Post-Apocolyptic Dark
Age, wizards, mutants, magic, and technology began to re-emerge as mankind
discovered the old ways and long forgotten secrets of fire and metal..........
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15 Messages in This Thread: ![[CW] More new pics: Sain and Batu -Jeff Johnston (9-Feb-00 to lugnet.castle)](/news/x.gif)  ![Re: [CW] More new pics ... and guns in CW -Pawel Nazarewicz (9-Feb-00 to lugnet.castle)](/news/x.gif)  ![Re: [CW] More new pics ... and guns in CW -Jonathan Wilson (9-Feb-00 to lugnet.castle)](/news/x.gif)  ![Re: [CW] More new pics ... and guns in CW -Pawel Nazarewicz (9-Feb-00 to lugnet.castle)](/news/x.gif)  
        ![Re: [CW] More new pics ... and guns in CW -Jeff Stembel (9-Feb-00 to lugnet.castle)](/news/x.gif)  ![Re: [CW] More new pics ... and guns in CW -James Brown (9-Feb-00 to lugnet.castle)](/news/x.gif)
      ![Re: [CW] More new pics ... and guns in CW -Jeff Johnston (9-Feb-00 to lugnet.castle)](/news/x.gif)  ![Re: [CW] More new pics ... and guns in CW -Shiri Dori (9-Feb-00 to lugnet.castle)](/news/x.gif)
    ![Re: [CW] More new pics ... and guns in CW -Jeff Johnston (9-Feb-00 to lugnet.castle)](/news/x.gif)  ![Re: [CW] More new pics ... and guns in CW -Jeff Johnston (9-Feb-00 to lugnet.castle)](/news/x.gif)
     ![Re: [CW] More new pics ... and guns in CW -Jason Catena (9-Feb-00 to lugnet.castle)](/news/x.gif)  ![Re: [CW] More new pics ... and guns in CW -Jeff Johnston (10-Feb-00 to lugnet.castle)](/news/x.gif)
  ![Re: [CW] More new pics: Sain and Batu -Eric Kingsley (9-Feb-00 to lugnet.castle)](/news/x.gif)
  ![Re: [CW] More new pics: Sain and Batu -Shiri Dori (9-Feb-00 to lugnet.castle)](/news/x.gif)
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