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Re: [CW] More new pics ... and guns in CW
Wed, 9 Feb 2000 13:29:51 GMT
1321 times
Pawel Nazarewicz wrote:

LMK what you think.

[Pawel, I think Batu should be my signature character instead of Dr. Cornelius.
Batu will be much more likely to be involved in events than the rather

... sounds good.  Will you "fancy him up" before I put him on the page, or
should I just use this one?

This one will be fine.  Use the second picture and just clip out Sain - I
don't think there's much I'd be doing to that anyway.  Most of the 'fancying'
will be in making the page look nicer - maybe a few minor things on the pics

I liked your commentary (first person view is
always fun) as well as your photography).  I see that you used the gungan
creatures well (I wasn't quite sure how I wanted these suckers used)

I was originally going to use a horse, but then I saw the Kaadu and thought,
"Ya know, this would make it have more of a fantasy feel...and the Dragon
Clans just might use some bizarre reptilian steed rather than a horse..."

The one question that I do have (which should be applied to everything) is
about the gun.

I figured there'd be a question about that...

Did we ever have a verdict on guns in general?  I know that
historically they were used in the samurai ages, but does that mean that we
will be using them in the Oriental section of CW?  And going along those
lines, in the whole CW (which they would soon be used after they were
brought from the orient).  Guns would then seemingly make bows and arrows
almost obselete, and cannons would make walled-in strategy different.  I
think for now, guns (unless very, very rare and almost magical - like
brought from the future) are a very dangerous precedent ...

OK, here's my line of thought:

1) Historically, pistols were around in Europe in the 1500s, and arqebuses
   and cannon even earlier (1300s).  China discovered gunpowder well before
   that.  Sain travels extensively...

2) Early guns didn't make bows obsolete for centuries because of the
   difficulties.  A well trained bowman can fire a score of shots in the time
   it takes to reload a gun.

3) If he had thrown a fireball or a lightning bolt, nobody would have blinked.

On the other hand, I agree with you that if everybody is toting guns, or if
entire armies are outfitted with cannon and musket, the 'feel' of Castle World
will change significantly.  So, I also *definitely* agree on the need for the
rarity and near-magicalness of them.

   (Aside: Do we need 'magic control laws' to prevent people from
   fielding an army of wizards, or is common sense enough?  Why or
   why not does that apply to guns as well?)

So, here are some suggestions:

1) Gunpowder is not widely known.  In fact, gunpowder as we know it doesn't
work in CW.  The mixture used in Sain's pistol is a magical powder made by
alchemy - a secret known only to a select few.

2) It's very tricky to make a working gun - the metallurgy is fairly advanced.
There are very few people in the world capable of doing it, and most of them
don't want to.

3) Thus, the acquisition of a single gun should require a pair of ballads.
Duets, if we can find people willing to have characters to be the alchemists
and blacksmith that are capable of creating these weapons.  And whoever the
smith is, he should be unwilling to make mass quantities of these guns - heck,
he should be unwilling to make even *one* gun, and require a lot of talking
and a good reason to do it.

I would encourage the people who 'own' the alchemist(s) with the formula and
the blacksmith to also take into consideration the quantity and quality of
the ballads the person has produced in the past.

With these 'Gun Control' laws in place, I think that guns will be, as you
suggested, "very, very rare and almost magical".  I realize that by dropping
the pistol into my story I'm circumventing a couple of them, but rest assured
that I intend to fill in the back story and present to all the tale of how Sain
himself acquired the gun.


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Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: [CW] More new pics ... and guns in CW
(...) <snip> (...) Make that *three* ballads. I forgot to consider that the person would need also need to get the design of the gun from somewhere - either from seeing it in use, or somehow finding a 'blueprint', or getting the design from the (...) (25 years ago, 9-Feb-00, to lugnet.castle)
  Re: [CW] More new pics ... and guns in CW
(...) My blacksmith (Atsidi) learned how to (create? and) care for firearms during his years of sea travelling. He have learned firsthand how destructive, opportunistic, and dishonorable they are, and take that knowledge into his own practice of (...) (25 years ago, 9-Feb-00, to lugnet.castle)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: [CW] More new pics ... and guns in CW
(...) ... sounds good. Will you "fancy him up" before I put him on the page, or should I just use this one? I liked your commentary (first person view is always fun) as well as your photography). I see that you used the gungan creatures well (I (...) (25 years ago, 9-Feb-00, to lugnet.castle)

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