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Re: [CW] More new pics: Sain and Batu
Wed, 9 Feb 2000 17:50:32 GMT
1207 times

This looks cool as did the Cornelius stuff.  Sorry I have not said so before I
have been under the weather and havn't been checking up on LUGNET much for the
last 4 or 5 days.

Anyway it is great stuff.  Storytelling ain't my bag baby but with all that
everyone has done I think I am starting to get inspired to try something.

Eric Kingsley

The New England LEGO Users Group

View My Creations at:

In lugnet.castle, Jeff Johnston writes:
In my MOC section, the first two pages of The Adventures of Sain and Batu.
At least, a 'rough draft' of them.  I plan on fancying them up and making them
look much nicer, but the pics and the preliminary work is there.

LMK what you think.

[Pawel, I think Batu should be my signature character instead of Dr. • Cornelius.
Batu will be much more likely to be involved in events than the rather

--     is     Jeff Johnston
My LEGO Web page has moved!  Go to:
Check out my Trade List and Want List - * - Last Updated 12/19/1999
LEGO Geek Code:  SP+ CA +++ (375/6075) PI +++ #++ S--/++ LS++ Hal  M+ A++

Message is in Reply To:
  [CW] More new pics: Sain and Batu
In my MOC section, the first two pages of The Adventures of Sain and Batu. At least, a 'rough draft' of them. I plan on fancying them up and making them look much nicer, but the pics and the preliminary work is there. LMK what you think. [Pawel, I (...) (25 years ago, 9-Feb-00, to lugnet.castle)

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