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 Castle / 14607
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Re: My newest MOC: a cathedral
Mon, 7 Oct 2002 18:40:32 GMT
620 times
hello Sean Devolites,

first excuses for my late reaction: My mailprogram let me down last week.
Thanks for your kind words. Coming days a few new pics will come up,
also a rendered one of teh chandelier. That will be my first tryout with
Ldraw, but hopefully it'll be allright.
In the mean time I hope to keep up the good work ;-)

With regards,
Daan Bargerbos
'The Flying Dutchman'

In lugnet.castle, Sean Devolites writes:
In lugnet.castle, Daan Bargerbos writes:
Hello everybody!

A few days ago I posted a message about my newest MOC: a cathedral.
Because of a change of my e-mail, I didn't get any reactions.
(At least, I hope that's the reason ;-) ).

This is what I posted then (and it's only fair to post it again
beacuse the pics have been seen already over 470 times. WOW!).
[NOTE'I hope to put up some other and better pics this week)

Daan Bargerbos
Great job Daan, its a great cathedral.  The floring is great.
I also like the chandelier.  I couldn't tell how you made it at first though
b/c of all the colors and slow load, but now I see how great it is.
Keep up the good work.
Hasta La Vista, Sean

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: My newest MOC: a cathedral
(...) Wassssup (...) Snip- Great job Daan, its a great cathedral. The floring is great. I also like the chandelier. I couldn't tell how you made it at first though b/c of all the colors and slow load, but now I see how great it is. Keep up the good (...) (22 years ago, 29-Sep-02, to lugnet.castle)

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