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 Castle / 13406
13405  |  13407
Re: Chapter 2
Tue, 11 Jun 2002 05:18:26 GMT
896 times

Glad you liked it!  Flaws as in the use of magic and away from reality, flaws
as in plot holes or flaws as in type-os?  I'm trying to work on the type-os....
slowly though.

   I was mainly kidding here, apart from magic it's perfect.

     Ps Forgot to add last time, may I suggest a book about the jackels when
you finish the general chronicles.

       Thanks for the answers,


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Chapter 2
(...) Glad you liked it! Flaws as in the use of magic and away from reality, flaws as in plot holes or flaws as in type-os? I'm trying to work on the type-os.... slowly though. (...) I look forward to seeing your giant MOC when it's complete, I'll (...) (23 years ago, 11-Jun-02, to lugnet.castle)

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