Re: Chapter 2
Tue, 11 Jun 2002 02:08:30 GMT
567 times
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> Well I've finally gotten round to reading you story, (it wasn't the
> illustrations that made the difference, I started before you did the
> reillustrating though they are much appreciated esp in chap 2 and 7). I
> liked it, it has a nice quick flow and pace to it. I being a complete
> realist as far as Castle is concerned (so I make up a few countries, what I
> mean is no magic) was surprised that I liked your story...despite the
> numerous flaws...OK it was good allready.
Glad you liked it! Flaws as in the use of magic and away from reality, flaws
as in plot holes or flaws as in type-os? I'm trying to work on the type-os....
slowly though.
> I also liked the movies you added
> and the dragon building pages.
> One of these daya I'll build a giant eagle or something to try this out
> (still no dragons for me).
I look forward to seeing your giant MOC when it's complete, I'll keep an eye
out for it.
> And now with the complimenting finished on to a
> few questions:
And good questions, too, and I'll try my best to answer them.
> 1 What is the 'Design a creature contest'?
The Create a Creature contest was a contest I held to get a greater variety of
fauna into the lego world. The contest entry time is over, but unfortunately
not all the judges have responded with their votes, so for the time being I
cannot announce the winners. I'll get it done, that I promise everyone.
> 2 Why would Mala be against the council, and why didn't she tell garalt
> and co they weren't evil, unless they really are?
Everyone in Ikros has their own agenda it would seem. The real question is, is
Mala leading Garalt down the right path, or is she just using him for her own
personal goals? Mala was once a member of the council, and as it was revealed,
she 'went rogue.' This either meant that she didn't agree with the practices
of the council and left (which would mean the council is truly evil) or she
began to use her powers for evil and seperated herself from the opposite views
of the council and went truly rogue (which would mean the council is good).
I'm afraid I can only be vague about the whole thing, as the answer to this
will be revealed in book IV.
> 3 What is so special about a priest of Zann that allows them to be able to
> do a sleeping spell more (seemingly) powerful people can't?
The Priests of Zaan are an ancient sect of wizards who practice a magic greater
than that of most other wizards. Because they dabble in these greater arts,
using the powers of Creation and Destruction, the two prime magics of my realm,
even Apprentice Priests start out stronger than some veteran wizards who use
the lesser magics. The use of Creation and Destruction magic is a very
dangerous activity, which is why most wizards have stayed away from using them.
Someday I may write a very detailed explanation of the whole convoluded thing.
> 4 I guess thats it for now...
> Thanks And God Bless,
> Nathan
Thanks for the feedback!!
Message has 1 Reply:  | | Re: Chapter 2
| (...) I was mainly kidding here, apart from magic it's perfect. Ps Forgot to add last time, may I suggest a book about the jackels when you finish the general chronicles. Thanks for the answers, Nathan (23 years ago, 11-Jun-02, to lugnet.castle)
Message is in Reply To:
 | | Re: Chapter 2
| snip (...) snip (...) Well I've finally gotten round to reading you story, (it wasn't the illustrations that made the difference, I started before you did the reillustrating though they are much appreciated esp in chap 2 and 7). I liked it, it has (...) (23 years ago, 11-Jun-02, to lugnet.castle)
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