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Re: I got my Blacksmith shop today.
lugnet.castle, lugnet.dear-lego
Sun, 27 Jan 2002 17:02:18 GMT
2101 times

I couldn't agree with you more.  The sets have been decreasing in basic
parts and creativity for quite a while now.  Many of the sets are so
specialized you can't build anything even remotely different with them.
10-15 years ago it was easy to build something new with one set.  Try doing
that now with all of the crappy specialized baseplates and huge wall pieces.

TLC fixed some of that with the original Star Wars Classic sets.  The
snowspeeder, X-Wing, Y-Wing/Tie Fighter are great space sets.  They rival
the classic space days.  The most recent Star Wars and Harry Potter sets are
horrible.  Yes, I purchased some of the HP for pieces, but these are getting
mixed in with tens of thousands of other pieces.  I can find ways to use
them in combination, but I can't imagine a kids collection being that
flexible with these new sets.  I won't even get into the degenerated
"castle" line.  The only castle set I've purchased in the last 6 years was
on clearance and for the minifigs.  (With the exception of the Blacksmith
Shop and the Guarded Inn).  I purchase everything second hand, and it's
always several years old.  Only the minifigs have improved over the years.

With the Blacksmith shop we have all been treated to a great set.  I
received my 2 last week.  The pictures on the web just don't do this set
justice.  Every single piece, (other than the bat), can be used very easily
to build something else.  Buy your child this set and they can build
hundreds of different buildings!  The attention to detail is also wonderful.
I always enjoy buildings that actually look big enough for the minifigs to
live and work in.  The roof pieces are great!

Everyone should purchase an extra Blacksmith Shop and donate it to a
christmas toy drive next year.  This is the type of set that will let a kid
be creative, and get them hooked on Lego.  Also, it would be nice if Lego
Direct saw a huge influx of orders.  From reading Lego.Direct I have the
feeling they are fighting to restore the glory days.  If their current ideas
are succesful it will make it easier to convince Denmark to listen to them
in the future.

Daniel and Lego Direct have done us all a great favor.  Thanks!



"John Heins" <> wrote in message
I'm in Metro NYC - got mine today.

Quite impressed after a the once over.  The box is color printed - unlike
the Guarded Inn reissue.  Congrats again to David Siskind.

I feel compelled to comment on this set in the context of TLC in general. • I
just finished accumulating supplies for an Elementary School lunchtime • "Lego
Building" course. I teach one section and have helped with another at a
different school. This set is a great value - 622 parts by the box count -
on top of being a great design.  Unfortunately, it is not available at
retail and is not typical of current releases.

Coming up with a good general selection of parts for this course was not
easy. I was lucky enough to "stock up" on blue tubs before they totally
disappeared from shelves - I ended up selling a few at cost to the other
school as they couldn't find any at a reasonable price.  These provide the
"core" supplies for my building course.  No other sets or tubs provide
anything near the same value.  Even FINDING creator tubs was problematic. • I
finally found a few at Zainy Brainy. I was lucky enough to score a few • Star
Wars tubs in K-Mart on clearance.  I ended up ordering wheel sets from SAH
and raiding my own stashes for additional variety.

I find it interesting that all the reissue sets - pirates and such have
disappeared from the shelves at TRU while the Star Wars stuff just sits. • It
seems that - following the initial rush - the Harry Potter stuff has • slowed
down as well.  The big Star Wars sets are getting marked down but most • sets
are horribly abused - check for completeness before you buy.  Frankly, it
the time I'm around the Lego sets at TRU, I can't help but notice that
MegaBlock interest and traffic has increased substantially.  Their sets • are
getting far more imaginative and the provide a better overall value in • most
peoples minds.

TLC seems to be getting farther and farther away from basics - to their • own
detriment.  I don't see tons of special parts in MegaBlock sets. • Menawhile,
I'm having trouble finding basic Technic beams in ANY of the newer Technic
stuff.  I'm getting the feeling that Technic is emulating K'nex with the • rod
and endpiece routine. They're OK parts but where are the LEGO pieces???

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: I got my Blacksmith shop today.
I'm looking forward to my Blacksmith's Shop waiting for me when I get back stateside, it looks like a terrific set, merging the new cool details of newer sets with the back to basic brick contruction of castle's golden age. Actually, considering the (...) (23 years ago, 28-Jan-02, to lugnet.castle, lugnet.dear-lego)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: I got my Blacksmith shop today.
I'm in Metro NYC - got mine today. Quite impressed after a the once over. The box is color printed - unlike the Guarded Inn reissue. Congrats again to David Siskind. I feel compelled to comment on this set in the context of TLC in general. I just (...) (23 years ago, 27-Jan-02, to lugnet.castle, lugnet.dear-lego)  

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