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 Castle / 11426
11425  |  11427
Re: Tanarth has been Updated!
Tue, 1 Jan 2002 18:28:02 GMT
693 times
In lugnet.castle, Tamyra Teed writes:
Check out my Castle page, I've added 2 new structures for my Village of
Tanarth.  Hopefully on this break I'll get quite a few of the buildings
in my head built and add drastically to my village!  is where you want to go :) check
under the stuctures page for the 2 new ones.

Let me know what you think, all comments welcome.


Great stuff, tamy!
Now, to get off topic, what camera do you take your pictures with? They're
so good i'm envious ;)
-Jay (Rascal King)

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Tanarth has been Updated!
Well... I've been switching between 3 different digital cameras here, I believe these were taking with an old Sony Mavica, for some reason it does best with the colors with my lighting scheme I've set up indoors (it's getting very tiring to haul (...) (23 years ago, 1-Jan-02, to lugnet.castle)

Message is in Reply To:
  Tanarth has been Updated!
Check out my Castle page, I've added 2 new structures for my Village of Tanarth. Hopefully on this break I'll get quite a few of the buildings in my head built and add drastically to my village! (URL) is where you want to go :) check under the (...) (23 years ago, 31-Dec-01, to lugnet.castle) ! 

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