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 CAD / Ray-Tracing / 2653
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Re: I'm sure one of you has already worked this out...
lugnet.cad, lugnet.cad.ray, lugnet.cad.ray
Tue, 18 Jul 2006 12:31:39 GMT
155 times
Willy Tschager wrote:
In lugnet.cad, Travis Cobbs wrote:

In lugnet.cad, Gabriel McGrath wrote:

As you can see, I am using bright pink (255,0,255) as my transparency
(I set it as 'background' in LP3Add-on)

The only problem is, when I use it in the game,
there is a slight 'pink halo' around the figure,
as there are slightly pink anti-aliased(?) bits around the edges.

It is the antialiasing that is causing this problem.  I think there are only two
ways around this.  Either turn off antialiasing, or switch from chroma-key
compositing to transparency-based compositing and make the background
transparent.  You should be able to get POV-Ray to generate a PNG file with a
transparent background.  That file can then be composited over anything you
want, and it will even antialias nicely into the background you paste it over.
That would of course require your game to support PNG files with alpha instead
of using chroma-key.

Oh, and I don't know how to make POV-Ray generate a transparent background, but
I'm almost positive that it's possible.

* set +FN in the toolbar command line to get a PNG file
* set +UA in the toolbar command line to turn on alpha channeling for a
transparent background
* read the "  File Output Options" chapter in povray's help for a deeper


Thankyou gentlemen.

I didn't realise that Antialiasing was an option in Povray.
Then - found it was ALSO an option in LSP-Addon.

Now that I've turned it off in both, I've got over my issue  :-)

PS - I'm afraid using "alpha channeling" is a bit beyond my knowhow,
so I'll go with Travis' "newbie" idea.

ie turn off AA, then subtract pink in GIMP, then shrink with AA.



NB: swap "spam" for "lugnet" in my email address.  :-)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: I'm sure one of you has already worked this out...
(...) * set +FN in the toolbar command line to get a PNG file * set +UA in the toolbar command line to turn on alpha channeling for a transparent background * read the " File Output Options" chapter in povray's help for a deeper insight w. (19 years ago, 18-Jul-06, to lugnet.cad, lugnet.cad.ray, lugnet.cad.ray)

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