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 CAD / Ray-Tracing / 2297
2296  |  2298
Re: Lights on the wall
Tue, 31 Aug 2004 12:04:35 GMT
3691 times
In lugnet.cad.ray, Allister McLaren wrote:
In lugnet.cad.ray, Niels Bugge wrote:
Glad it helped, although I'm not quite sure how ;-)

Well, it got me out of the rut with it, and trying different things.

In lugnet.cad.ray, Allister McLaren wrote:
There's a lot about it in the helpfile, but you might consider raising the
diffusion of the walls, and you should definitly consider adding some thin
fog like in the "streetlight" example in the helpfile.

That seemed to help.

Helpfile, fog or diffusion?

The fog mainly.

I guess I have some homework to do, but could you please show or send me the
bit of code where you change the brilliance locally (all materials seems to
be declared once in the standard l3p pov-files)? I've managed to avoid it
untill now, dodging the need for venturing into the dimly lit and higly
difficult areas of the helpfile.

I did it piece by piece. Fortunaltey the pov file was created from an mpd model,
so the walls were easy to pick out. All I did was add a 'finish' statement at
the end of each individual instance of a wall part, vis,

// New Model
// Name: wall.ldr
// Author: MLCad
// Unofficial Model

object {
matrix <1-SW/40,0,0,0,1-SW/8,0,0,0,1-SW/20,0,SW/2,0>
matrix <0,0,1,-1,0,0,0,-1,0,-280,-58,-220>
#if (version >= 3.1) material #else texture #end { Color8 }
finish {diffuse .5 brilliance .05}

... and repeat for each 'object'.

OK Thanks, I'll remember that (BTW you've forgotten to insert your name as
author in MLCad's general settings; a nice thing if you ever want to publish
your files...).

Thanks for the comments. To be honest, I didn't really put a lot of thought into
the composition, and the walls are a bit ad hoc - I was more concentrating on
the lighting this time. Now I'm a bit more confident with diffierent lighting
types the next one will be a lot better.

If you move the model in MLCad and make a new POV-file, you can just copy the
new lights from the first one (or just change the camera's direction a bit), I
think you're too close to perfection to abandon the picture. And BTW, when will
we se the finished result in 1280x1024?



Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Lights on the wall
(...) Well, it got me out of the rut with it, and trying different things. (...) The fog mainly. (...) I did it piece by piece. Fortunaltey the pov file was created from an mpd model, so the walls were easy to pick out. All I did was add a 'finish' (...) (20 years ago, 31-Aug-04, to lugnet.cad.ray)

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