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 CAD / Ray-Tracing / 1277
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Re: Tilting the camera
Sun, 26 May 2002 23:17:42 GMT
911 times
Travis Cobbs wrote...
In lugnet.cad.ray, Don Heyse writes:
Sproat called it Roll in his tutorial.

That's what I would call it.

I noticed Sproat calls it roll: "How to roll the camera", but he also says:
"I'm really talking about tilting the camera to one side."
And to me (being a non-English-native) roll is more ambiguous than tilt.
Anyone else ?

#declare ROLL = 30;
sky      vrotate(-y, z*ROLL)

Sproat, are you sure about this ?
It doesn't seem to work with e.g. -cg30,90
I think you need to roll the actual sky vector, and not the initial -y.

I would think this would be pitch.  (Yaw would be left/right.)

Yaw ? You said you would call it roll ?

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Tilting the camera
"Lars C. Hassing" <> skrev i meddelandet (...) says: (...) I can imagine 'tilting' or 'slanting' both sideways and forwards/backwards. ROLL, PITCH and YAW are unambiguous. Imagine the camera sitting in (...) (23 years ago, 27-May-02, to lugnet.cad.ray)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Tilting the camera
(...) That's what I would call it. (...) Since most people are more familiar with clocks than polar coordinates, it makes sense that positive would rotate the camera clockwise. (Of course, this "rotates" the scene counterclockwise, but hey.) (...) I (...) (23 years ago, 22-May-02, to lugnet.cad.ray)

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