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RE: Newbie help request.... rotation
Sat, 23 Dec 2000 22:25:57 GMT
2499 times
Lar writes:
When I need to rotate parts I hardly ever use the
rotation/position menu. I just go into fine mode (you can
set the  resolution of rotation, 1 degree is usually good
enough for me but I think you can go finer)

Like Lar, I set the fine rotation to something smaller than 15 degrees.
However, I also move the center of rotation (little square on the center of
the part) to the approximate correct position.  I then click the button
which looks like a brick with a little circle in the corner to adjust the
rotation center to the exact point.  Then just rotate the part around the
newly set point until it's in the right position.
HTH and didn't confuse the kech out of you,

Bram Lambrecht

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Newbie help request.... rotation
(...) How close are you looking to get? (very slow link right now, so didn't try to download the file you have so far) (...) When I need to rotate parts I hardly ever use the rotation/position menu. I just go into fine mode (you can set the (...) (24 years ago, 23-Dec-00, to lugnet.cad.mlcad)

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