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Re: Newbie help request.... rotation
Sat, 23 Dec 2000 22:22:28 GMT
2408 times
The file is 3.5kb - it must be the crane site that's slowing the D/L

Ahhhh - I didn't realize that I could change the granularity of the "fine
Grid" rotation...  Many thanks, Lar!


In lugnet.cad.mlcad, Larry Pieniazek writes:
In lugnet.cad.mlcad, Derick Bulkley writes:

As you can see by the dat file, I have been unable to adjust the rotation of
the 16L links to meet the lower set of Technic friction connectors.

How close are you looking to get? (very slow link right now, so didn't try
to download the file you have so far)

I've tried to understand the rotation coordinate schema in the "Enter
Position & Rotation" menu, but with no positive results, and the last matrix
I calulated was a decade ago, and very poorly then, too.

When I need to rotate parts I hardly ever use the rotation/position menu. I
just go into fine mode (you can set the  resolution of rotation, 1 degree is
usually good enough for me but I think you can go finer) rotate to
approximately the right position using the rotation buttons, then move the
part to the right place or close, rinse, lather, repeat.

Many parts don't have "perfect" axes of rotation so you have to fudge and
move back into place.

Hope that helps. If not, ask again.


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Newbie help request.... rotation
(...) How close are you looking to get? (very slow link right now, so didn't try to download the file you have so far) (...) When I need to rotate parts I hardly ever use the rotation/position menu. I just go into fine mode (you can set the (...) (24 years ago, 23-Dec-00, to lugnet.cad.mlcad)

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