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 CAD / MLCad / 1355
    Re: Description of MLCad extensions available now —Steve Bliss
   (...) Actually, LDLite has a ROTATE command, which is different than MLCad's ROTATION command. ROTATE is literally a directive to rotate a set of command-lines around a vector by a specific angle. ROTATION seems to define a point in space around (...) (23 years ago, 29-Jul-02, to lugnet.cad.mlcad)
        Re: Description of MLCad extensions available now —Don Heyse
   (...) Is the ROTATION command the one that's sorta documented here? (URL) reply seems to indicate he planned on implementing it, and that was about 2 years ago, so I imagine it's been done by now. Don (23 years ago, 29-Jul-02, to lugnet.cad.mlcad)
        Re: Description of MLCad extensions available now —Don Heyse
   (...) Uh Oh, we need some *unlicensed* documentation on this meta command. It's already used in some official parts. If I have to get permission in writing to use all the features of the official parts (or be liable for unspecified damages) I'm (...) (23 years ago, 29-Jul-02, to lugnet.cad.mlcad,,
        Re: Description of MLCad extensions available now —Fredrik Glöckner
     (...) Perhaps the use of the "ROTATION CENTER" meta statement in the parts library can be changed into a different, non-licensed format? The word "CENTER" breaks the standing LDraw tradition of using British English terms anyway. In my opinion it (...) (23 years ago, 29-Jul-02, to lugnet.cad.mlcad,,
        Re: Description of MLCad extensions available now —Steve Bliss
   (...) That, and the fact that MLCAD adds two 0 ROTATION statements to the header of every model file it edits. (...) Actually, only commented-out versions of the ROTATION meta-statement have appeared in parts (ie, '0 0 ROTATION'). The submit process (...) (23 years ago, 29-Jul-02, to lugnet.cad.mlcad,,
        Re: Description of MLCad extensions available now —Michael Lachmann
   Hi, i've found some more commands in MLCad which I introduced totaly new, ... but long time ago. So there is this ROTATION command, which was used at the early days of MLCad instead of ROTSTEP. Later I learned that this conflicts with LD-Lite. So I (...) (23 years ago, 30-Jul-02, to lugnet.cad.mlcad,,

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