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 CAD / Development / Organizations / LDraw / 3439
3438  |  3440
Re: Contributor's Agreement (Was: New Part...)
Mon, 31 Jan 2005 02:25:55 GMT
1186 times
In, Tore Eriksson wrote:
In, Orion Pobursky wrote:
What exactly is hard to understand.

For example:
"The right to create derivative works of the Work"

Does that mean altering the works (in this case: editing my dat files and make
updates on them) without trying to contact me first?

Or does it just mean works that uses my works?

Basically the all this CA is telling you is that you need to agree to release
your part under the Creative Commons Attribution Licence for us to accept your
part for distribution.  The Creative Common Organization is kind enough to
provide a plain english version of the Creative Commons Attribution Licence.  A
link to this can be found in the CA, here it is for your reference:

The reason we feel that you need to release your parts under the Creative
Commons Attribution Licence is that it protects your work by ensuring that you
always are credited for the work.  Basically if someone else wants to modify
your part they can't claim that the part is wholly theirs; they have to give you
credit for the orginial.

To sum up, the CA says you have to release your parts under the Creative Commons
Attribution Licence.  The reason why this is needed is to protect you.  Others
can modify your parts but must retain credit to you for the orginal.

And the security demands for passwords are way higher than my banks have.
Sometimes I get very dark feelings...

I don't understand what you are refering to here.

Sorry. What I mean is that the demands on the password security for logging in
to are much higher than login in at eBay, viewing my bank accounts,
and even sending hundreds of dollars using PayPal. It's overkill; just another
annoying obstacle IMO.

I still don't understand.  As far as I know you can set any password you like as
long as it's at least 5 characters.


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Contributor's Agreement (Was: New Part...)
(...) For example: "The right to create derivative works of the Work" Does that mean altering the works (in this case: editing my dat files and make updates on them) without trying to contact me first? Or does it just mean works that uses my works? (...) (20 years ago, 31-Jan-05, to

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