Re: Announcing Relaunch
Thu, 11 Sep 2003 01:22:42 GMT
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In lugnet.cad, Orion Pobursky wrote:
We are pleased to announce weve thrown the switch on our new content
management system. This system will make it easier to add news and updates
to the website, and it will also allow for
more people to get involved with content.
Special thanks goes to a few individuals who have worked very hard to get
the new site to the point it is at today. Rebecca Swartz and Dan Boger
customized the PostNuke system for our purposes. Steve Bliss was there every
step of the way helping integrate the Parts Tracker.
Well done all who contributed! Its starting to look pretty good!
If havent already registered, what are you waiting for? Get over to and sign up today.
If you are a Parts Tracker user, your PT login is your login for the new
website as well. We merged them to ensure you had first pick at your
specific username on the new site.
One question - will PT login eventually authenticate against the ldraw login?
Currently the 2 are still separate...
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