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 CAD / Development / Organizations / LDraw / 1534
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Re: LDraw History - here's one for the old timers in the group....
Newsgroups:, lugnet.cad,, lugnet.people
Fri, 19 Oct 2001 19:58:07 GMT
1747 times
In, Tim Courtney writes:
Hello -
I'm working on one of the ideas I discussed with the Jessimans at Brickfest
this year.  While we were making up the powerpoint presentation for the talk
at the event, we thought it would be nice to develop a complete history of
the LDraw community.

Some more dates:

September, 1999  Datsville (at first LCADville) was born.  Although
Datsville never went as far as I (and others) would like to have seen it go,
I think it made an important contribution to seeing what could be done with
LCAD.  Among other things, it led to Kevin Loch's creation of DAT Explorer.

October 23, 1999  LCAD at Mindfest.  I, my son John, and Larry P. took part
in a workshop on "Virtual Tinkering" where we showcased Datsville and
several of the LCAD tools.

This is a great idea, Tim.  Another interesting bit of info would be to
track the number of parts (and maybe distinct part authors) in the LCAD
library over time.

Also you might check into when LCAD was first used in a professional
publication (probably in an O'Reilly Mindstorms book, but I'm not sure)

Have fun!

-John Van

Message is in Reply To:
  LDraw History - here's one for the old timers in the group....
Hello - I'm working on one of the ideas I discussed with the Jessimans at Brickfest this year. While we were making up the powerpoint presentation for the talk at the event, we thought it would be nice to develop a complete history of the LDraw (...) (23 years ago, 12-Oct-01, to, lugnet.cad,, lugnet.people) !! 

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