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 CAD / Development / Macintosh / 291
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Re: Ldraw Viewer Update
Fri, 29 Nov 2002 09:05:23 GMT
1781 times
Ok, I know I am really chatty tonight.  I promise I wont always be like this...

Here are some practical feature requests for Ldraw Viewer:

Large models get clipped really bad if they extend beyond the "camera".
That is, I have to zoom way out  before I can see the nose of some large
space ships.

Also, if I move my ldraw folder, Ldraw Viewer doesn't double check that it
is really there, and there is no way to reset it.  I had to throw away the
"LDGLite" prefs.


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Ldraw Viewer Update
I wasn't clear in the purpose of a pivot point. If a part has a pivot point, it would be cool if the user could rotate the part around the pivot point instead of the part's internal 0,0,0. In fact, it would be cool to rotate a part (or group of (...) (22 years ago, 29-Nov-02, to

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