Re: Proposed solution *Test Here*
Fri, 11 Jul 2003 18:33:36 GMT
1698 times
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In, John Riley wrote:
> Two reasons I can think of:
> 1) Inventories: If you build a submodel using a Left Wing, and then mirror it,
> the inventory is going to show 2 left wings, when in reality there is 1 left
> wing and 1 right wing.
> 2) Instructions: Official LEGO instructions will show the building steps for
> both the submodel & the mirrored submodel as separate submodels. I haven't
> found a way yet to produce instructions of a submodel & a mirrored submodel
> without creating the mirrored submodel itself, and it just might not be possible
> in LPub or MLCad.
> I've usually made the mirrored submodel by inlining the original submodel into a
> new submodel, mirror it there across the new submodel's origin (one of MLCad's
> best features, IMHO), and then make part substitutions as needed (wings,
> usually). Finally, I undo any mirroring that will have an effect on appearance
> (patterned parts). So this program would catch the mirrored studs in my models,
> which is great.
Thanks for the info. After further consideration, I realized that there is one
other thing that will prevent the -lgeo option from working properly, even for
models that don't have mirrored sub-assemblies. Any parts in the part library
that are made by mirroring another part will get copied to a new filename when
you run UnMirrorStuds. The reason I do this is because the new version
references the copied version of the other part with the studs "un-mirrored".
So, take for example 3934.dat (Wing 8 x 4 Right) and 3933.dat (Wing 8 x 4 Left).
3933.dat is modeled normally. 3934.dat is just a reference to 3933.dat that
mirrors it on the X axis. So if you include 3934.dat in your model, the
UnMirrorStuds program will create a 3934.ums file AND a 3933.um2 file. 3934.ums
will be identical to 3934.dat, except that the subfile reference will be changed
to point to the new 3933.um2 file, instead of the original 3933.dat file. The
3933.um2 file will have all its stud references mirrored to correct their logos
when used in this context. If you wanted, you could then delete 3934.dat, and
rename 3934.ums to 3934.dat and everything would work fine in L3P, but this is
obviously not desirable. Furthermore, I don't want the UnMirrorStuds program to
overwrite files in the part library, because I don't think that's appropriate.
Lars: any chance of recognizing <partname>.ums and treating it as an alias for
<partname>.dat in L3P? I believe that would solve the problem.
--Travis Cobbs
Message has 1 Reply:  | | Re: Proposed solution *Test Here* [DAT]
| (...) Yes. No. ;-) There's still a problem with mirrored sub-assemblies. Suppose you have an aeroplane, Plane.ldr: 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 -1 0 0 2445.DAT 1 16 0 -8 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 Wing.ldr 1 16 0 -8 0 -1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 Wing.ldr Wing.ldr: 1 4 -80 (...) (22 years ago, 19-Jul-03, to
Message is in Reply To:
 | | Re: Proposed solution *Test Here*
| (...) Two reasons I can think of: 1) Inventories: If you build a submodel using a Left Wing, and then mirror it, the inventory is going to show 2 left wings, when in reality there is 1 left wing and 1 right wing. 2) Instructions: Official LEGO (...) (22 years ago, 11-Jul-03, to
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