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Re: Smoothing on part level using edge lines
Tue, 6 Aug 2002 19:33:35 GMT
987 times
"Travis Cobbs" <> wrote in message
In, Martijn Zwaal writes:
If you check out the big space dish (3961.dat) you can see the optional • line
algorithm fails because there are no optional lines. In my opinion this • part
is good. There is no need to fix this part because it will only get • larger
and slows down some applications. It performs it's job as it should. • This
is the same with the inside of the hands of the minifigs.
A workaround in your program could be made by letting your program • generate
optional lines (while preprocessing) on all edges except for edges of • color
24. You might want to remove optional lines that are coincide with edge
lines of color 24.  That way the other programs  are happy and your • program
too. You can use the same code for smoothing but you have to do some • extra

Reading the various replies to this, I've seen a number of good points, • but
I think that some degree of misunderstanding was also generated.  I
personally don't think optional lines are generally a good idea on the
inside of curves, but it is true that if a part is ever transparent, then
these are required for fully correct rendering.  I don't feel I'm closely
enough involved with the part creation process to have earned an
opinion/vote on this issue, though.

Now as for LDView, I think that Martijn's suggestion of smoothing over all
edges that don't contain an edge line is a good one.  There are some
problems that I see that would require being a little smarter, though.
Based on what I've seen with the optional lines, I think that rounding
differences will occasionally cause an edge line to be missed.  Adding a
maximum angular difference between two polygons that smoothing will be
disallowed over will help a lot.

Overall, I expect that there will still be some artifacts in this • smoothing
process, but I do agree with Martijn that there will be less artifacts • than
with the current algorithm.

As for how I would accomplish this in LDView; I can come up with • something,
but I doubt it will involve the automatic creation of conditional lines.
While it's true that this would allow me to use my existing smoothing
algorithm, I still don't think it's the best way to go.  In fact, based on
the usefullness of the current smoothing code in pointing out missing
conditional lines to part authors, I think I should leave it available as • an

And something else. Have you read my suggestion about rendering patterns
into a texture map?

I did see that, and it sounds like a good idea, but it would also be • fairly
difficult.  You would have to have some way of deciding that there are
enough co-planar patterned polygons, then create the texture map, then • apply
it in the correct location.  All of this is certainly possible, but I'm • not
sure how difficult it would be.

There also might be difficulties with the join between the pattern • polygons
and the surrounding ones, so you would probably have to consider all the
surrounding co-planar polygons of color 16 to also be part of the pattern.
Given the relative scarcity of patterned parts, I'm not sure the • performance
improvements would be enough to justify the amount of work that would be

I just thought about it because printed patterns seem to become more complex
every year. If you look at the skateboarding Pepper (6731) for example, you
can see dithered pizza printed on his torso. The speeder of Dooku is also
complexly (and sometimes randomly) printed. Perhaps it might be a good idea
to think about extensions that provide per vertex values, like per vertex
colors and texture maps, so it can be possible to display complex patterns.
This could look like this perhaps:

0 QUAD INDICES 2 2 4 4
4  2  1.2  1.2  etc..

3  8  1.5  1.4 etc.

to provide color indices per vertex that override the default index.
For texture mapping:

0 QUAD TEXTURE RGB PIZZA.PNG 0. 0. 0. 1. 1. 0. 1. 1.  (Texture coordinates)
4 16 1.2 etc.

0 TRIANGLE TEXTURE RGB PIZZA.PNG 0. 0. 0. 1. 1. 0.   (Texture coordinates)
3 16 1.2 etc.

0 QUAD TEXTURE BUMP TILE.PNG 0. 0. 0. 1. 1. 0. 1. 1.  (Texture coordinates)
4 16 1.2 etc.

to provide texture maps or bumpmaps for roof tiles.
Perhaps it's also possible to add normals like:
0 TRIANGLE  NORMALS 1. 0. 0. 1. 0. 0. 0. 1. 0.
or rgba colors:


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Smoothing on part level using edge lines
(...) Reading the various replies to this, I've seen a number of good points, but I think that some degree of misunderstanding was also generated. I personally don't think optional lines are generally a good idea on the inside of curves, but it is (...) (23 years ago, 6-Aug-02, to

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