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Help wanted from the programmers among the LUGNET group
Tue, 5 Mar 2002 19:12:40 GMT
488 times

Is there someone among the programmers, who can deliver me the algorithm for
the ROTATION of the five different line types ?
Please in some understandable language, so that i can translate it into

Why i'm asking for?
I'm working on a part witch can be split-up into different parts, for ease
of creation. Each part need to be copied and rotated by 90°,180° & 270° to
get the complete part. Some of those 'sub' parts are over 100 ... 200 lines
I have a little experience with VISUAL BASIC for APPLICATIONS (specially
EXCEL) so, i would like to write some code to make those things easier than
what we have now with LEDIT (rotating line by line).

Goal: Try to get something operational so avoiding mistakes when rotating,
speed-up things, perhaps add more feathures.

Who can help me?
Answers can be mailed to my private email address - NO ATTACHEMENTS
(avoiding virus problems ;-) )

Ludo Soete

Message has 3 Replies:
  Re: Help wanted from the programmers among the LUGNET group
(...) Wouldn't you better off using the tools that already exist? Work with the subparts in whatever ldraw CAD program you prefer, then use one of the (now many) inliner tools to inline them at the very end when you're finished with the part. If you (...) (23 years ago, 5-Mar-02, to
  Re: Help wanted from the programmers among the LUGNET group
(...) LDraw AddOn does rotations in at least a couple of different places. In class file EditorFunctions.cls, there's the Rotate() method and the QuickRotate() method, both of which are capable of rotating any LDraw code around any of the three (...) (23 years ago, 5-Mar-02, to
  Re: Help wanted from the programmers among the LUGNET group
(...) Take a look at: (URL) can rotate a LDraw file an arbitrary angle around any of the three major axes. If you care to get your hands on an Ada compiler the program actually works. Jacob (23 years ago, 5-Mar-02, to

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