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Re: LDraw FilTEr
Fri, 31 Aug 2001 17:39:07 GMT
93 times
Thank you, Micheal.

I am not following you completely, but never mind. I'm glad you like it.

Hopefully, this weekend I'll have the time to improve to filTEr, with separate
output files and more.


Michael Horvath wrote:

Man, this thing is great!

You'll be able to create completely hollow objects, filter out parts that
you want to use or ones you don't want to use, export them to
already-existing realtime rendering programs like Quake or Unreal or your
favorite flight simulator, or just reorganize models or submodels in
suitable ways if you're building things like Datsville.  Wow, that's great!


In lugnet.cad, Tore Eriksson writes:
First version: A lot of features still grayed-out.

But you can:
* filter x, y, z, color, line type (200 Kb)

Some feedback, please! Is it worth working on?


blessing wrote:



Tore Eriksson <> wrote in message
I played around a little with an idea I had from working with ldboxer.

No code is written yet, but you'll get a good idea of what I am thinking • of if you watch this: (43 Kb)

Just like in the ldboxer, the presentation of the Input File will be a • CheckBoxList. The boxes are not yet drawn.

I think of three different save options:
* Split the Input File into two files from checked and uncheck lines.
* Apply filter and save all file to Output File 1
* Save only checked lines from Input File to Output File 1

What else...?


Message has 1 Reply:
  LDraw Filter: New Version
New version, the only function still disabled is highlight. I think this version is quite useful. Just remember: the program filters *out* only those lines you select to filter out. If no filters are active, the Add button will add all lines to (...) (23 years ago, 2-Sep-01, to lugnet.cad,

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: LDraw FilTEr
Man, this thing is great! You'll be able to create completely hollow objects, filter out parts that you want to use or ones you don't want to use, export them to already-existing realtime rendering programs like Quake or Unreal or your favorite (...) (23 years ago, 31-Aug-01, to lugnet.cad,

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