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Re: bend thingie creator.
Sun, 26 Nov 2000 21:09:37 GMT
1037 times
koen wrote:

I'm using a simplified form of bezier curves, like you see in most drawing
software like coreldraw etc..
this is also x = f(t), y = g(t) and z = h(t)  with f, g and h being a*t^3 +
b*t^2 +c*t + d . a, b , c and d can than simply be calculated with the given
coordinates. This is a correct third degree approximation but I'm hoping to
later go to 4th degree or higher approximations.

  I've thought about using bezier curves but I decided to choose another
type of curve because it doesn't allow you to make the curve pass by a
specific point (except the first and last points).

This was the problem with the release in my first posting (i think you mean
this), My rotation matrix based solely on the direction of the next segment
did provide with continous segments but it sometines turned 180° because it
switched to a different quadrant. I now have added another parameter with
which i can turn the segment around the direction. Now i Make the segment in
the correct direction , i calculate the distance between a point from the
previous segment and the current, turn it one degree to left and one to the
right, if the distance for one of these two turns is lower than the normal
distance i keep on turning that way until the distance is past its minimum.
than these two points are the closest together and my curve doesn't have any
strange twists.

  I'm using a different solution: I start with a given up vector for the
first point and then at each point I calculate the tangent vector (first
derivative) and make "side_vector = front_vector x up_vector; up = side
x front;" ('x' means cross product) to get the new up vector. Probably
not the ideal solution too but it's calculated only once and the results
stored in a display list so who cares ? :)

  It works very well for my case because when you add a new element, you
always start with a hose along the X axis and the initial up vector is
(0,0,1). When you move the tangents of the endpoints, you just have to
recalculate the initial up vector.

  I also added an option to set the axial rotation at each point so you
can see the elements twisting, looks very nice on an animation. :)


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: bend thingie creator.
(...) Doesn't this complicate things a lot? It is possible easily draw a hundred beziercurves that make up 1 curve, but how do you make 1 equation that passes through a hundred points? (...) mean (...) segment (...) it (...) with (...) segment in (...) (24 years ago, 26-Nov-00, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: bend thingie creator.
(...) I'm using a simplified form of bezier curves, like you see in most drawing software like coreldraw etc.. this is also x = f(t), y = g(t) and z = h(t) with f, g and h being a*t^3 + b*t^2 +c*t + d . a, b , c and d can than simply be calculated (...) (24 years ago, 26-Nov-00, to

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