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Re: Making Ldraw Parts
Thu, 13 Jan 2000 20:10:01 GMT
842 times
In, Rui Manuel Silva Martins writes:
On Wed, 12 Jan 2000, John VanZwieten wrote:

Type 5 lines are "optional" point A to point B line segments.  Here's how
  The first two columns are line type and color, as usual.  The next 6
are the x,y,x coordinates of point A and point B.  Then the last 6 columns
x,y,x of points C and D, which are used to determine whether or not the
optional line gets drawn.  If, in the rendering view, points C and D lie on
the same side of a line through points A and B, then the optional line gets
drawn, otherwise not.  Type 5 lines are used for curved surfaces so that • only

This made me go look at the FAQ, and I found the following inconsistencies
in the FAQ.

in Topic "LINE TYPES" we have (the FAQ has):
0: comment or meta-command
1: Part-file reference
2: Line
3: Triangle
4: Quadrilateral
5: Draw a line between the last two points, if both points are on the
same side of the line between the first two points.

which I think its wrong in the line starting with "5: Draw ...."

and further ahead in the FAQ (section "COMMANDS"), we have:
Optional-Line command.
  Draws a line between the first two points, if the projections of both
  points onto the screen are on the same side of an imaginary line between
  the projections of the last two points onto the screen.

which is correct (IMO) and contradicts what was said earlyer, so I propose
that the first paragraph I mentioned should be changed to :

4: Quadrilateral
5: Draw a line between the FIRST two points, if both points are on the
same side of a line DEFINED BY the LAST two points.

If agreed, can you do this Jacob ?

Rui Martins
Yes the correction is needed. The first two point define the line, the last two
are the reference points.


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Making LDraw Parts
Chris and Rui: I have corrected the FAQ. Please check that I didn't add some new mistakes meanwhile. Play well, Jacob ---...--- -- E-mail: -- -- Web...: <URL:(URL) -- ---...--- (25 years ago, 14-Jan-00, to,

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Making Ldraw Parts
(...) This made me go look at the FAQ, and I found the following inconsistencies in the FAQ. in Topic "LINE TYPES" we have (the FAQ has): (...) which I think its wrong in the line starting with "5: Draw ...." and further ahead in the FAQ (section (...) (25 years ago, 13-Jan-00, to,

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